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A lightweight HTTP web framework
A lightweight HTTP web framework.
Uses ES Modules, requires Node v14.13.0+
For TypeScript users: Be sure to install @types/node
for Node.js typings
npm install @intrnl/srv
# pnpm install @intrnl/srv
# yarn add @intrnl/srv
import * as http from 'http';
import { Application } from '@intrnl/srv';
let app = new Application();
app.use(({ request, response }) => {
response.body = 'Hello, world!';
An Srv application is essentially a chain of middlewares; like a middleman, they are functions that runs in between receiving and responding to a request, and they can run code before and after the next one
// Logger
app.use(({ request }, next) => {
console.log(`-> Received ${request.method} on ${request.url.path}`);
return next();
// Response time
app.use(async ({ response }, next) => {
let start =;
await next();
let end =;
response.headers.set('x-response-time', end - start);
// Response
app.use(({ response }) => {
response.body = 'Hello, world!';
Middlewares must return or await when trying to call the next one, or you will stop the chain early before the next middleware is able to handle the request, causing race conditions and unhandled promise rejections
app.use((ctx, next) => {
// you return it like so
return next();
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
// or await, if you need to run something after the next middleware
await next();