monopoly copied to clipboard
A fully functional Monopoly game in JavaScript and HTML/CSS. Play online:
Do you have plans to add an online server where you can play with friends?
AI-to-AI trading needs some extra polish. Regular trading seems to be okay but any counteroffers fall into the control of the human player(s), even if it isn’t their turn.
When an AI player that has mortgaged properties loses to another AI player, the option to unmortgage is controlled by the human player (even when it’s not the human player’s...
The text is added as "This is really fun."
Hello! After AI has fully developed a set (that is placing hotels on all lands in a particular color), it keeps on adding more hotels to the land. This doesn't...
AI is unable to sell houses/hotels on lands and as a result it declares in bankruptcy (while having more property to sell/mortgage) I've had a quick look at the...