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TlsException when running getPosts
I'm trying to get some basic usage out of this library for a little bit and I'm getting a strange error when I try to use getPosts
. This is the only function I've really tried to do anything with, but here's what I'm doing.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Reddit
main :: IO ()
main = runReddit "ayy" "lmao" getPosts >>= print
Sometimes this prints out a response, however sometimes I get this:
matt@crocomire ~/workspace/reddit-test
% cabal run reddit-test
Preprocessing executable 'reddit-test' for reddit-test-
Running reddit-test...
Left (HTTPError (TlsException (HandshakeFailed Error_EOF)))
Any idea why it might work sometimes but not other times? I've tried a few times and it seems random.
Oh I just tried it again and got Left (HTTPError (FailedConnectionException "" 443))
instead. I have not recompiled in between working/not working times.
Does work on your connection?
If it doesn't, it's probably an issue with Reddit's SSL (their servers are not the most reliable), but if it does, you could try this:
import Network.Connection
import Network.HTTP.Conduit
import Reddit
main =
withManagerSettings (mkManagerSettings (TLSSettingsSimple True False False) Nothing) $ \m ->
runRedditWith (def { connectionManager = Just m}) getPosts
This will disable certificate checking for the connection.
I can reliably get to HTTPS reddit, however I can't get a result with the API. I was able to use your method and runRedditAnon
to work though. I actually don't need to log in for anything I'm doing, so that works for me, but you probably want to look more into this.
which operating system / GHC version are you using?
I'm on Arch Linux using GHC 7.10.1
On Tue, Jul 21, 2015, 5:52 PM Intolerable [email protected] wrote:
which operating system / GHC version are you using?
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