api-builder copied to clipboard
library for building JSON API wrappers in haskell
Simple library for building API wrappers in Haskell – define a Builder
, add some types with Receivable
instances, an error type, and some routes, and you can easily use any API from Haskell code. Based on a EitherT StateT StateT
monad transformer stack.
Stack Overflow example
Define a type for a stack overflow question:
data Question = Question { title :: Text
, isAnswered :: Bool
, score :: Int
, tags :: [Text] }
deriving (Show, Eq)
And a wrapper since SO wraps its JSON responses:
newtype Questions = Questions [Question]
deriving (Show, Eq)
Add FromJSON
instances for both the types:
instance FromJSON Question where
parseJSON (Object o) =
Question <$> o .: "title"
<*> o .: "is_answered"
<*> o .: "score"
<*> o .: "tags"
parseJSON _ = mempty
instance FromJSON Questions where
parseJSON (Object o) = Questions <$> o .: "items"
parseJSON _ = mempty
and a Receivable
instance for Questions
that just uses the FromJSON
instance Receivable Questions where
receive = useFromJSON
Define a Builder
for the API endpoint:
stackOverflow :: Builder
stackOverflow = basicBuilder "StackOverflow API" "http://api.stackexchange.com"
And the Route
to use to get the data:
answersRoute :: Route
answersRoute = Route { urlPieces = [ "2.2", "questions" ]
, urlParams = [ "order" =. Just "desc"
, "sort" =. Just "activity"
, "site" =. Just "stackoverflow" ]
, httpMethod = GET }
And a function to actually run the API:
getAnswers :: IO (Either (APIError ()) Questions)
getAnswers = execAPI stackOverflow () $ runRoute answersRoute
> getAnswers
Right (Questions [Question {title = "Using parse API with codeigniter", isAnswered = True, score = 2, tags = ["php","codeigniter","parse.com","codeigniter-2","php-5.6"]},Question {title = "Object...