argue copied to clipboard
A really basic command-line argument parser in Swift
A really basic command-line argument parser in Swift. It currently supports values (takes single parameters or arrays of them) and flags (booleans).
Argue is used in remind, a Swift CLI app to quickly deal with your reminders.
Swift Package Manager
Add argue to the dependencies array in your Package.swift.
dependencies: [
.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 2)
Git Submodules
git add submodule
Note that as of Xcode 8 "Xcode does not support building static libraries that include Swift code. (17181019)". If you're creating a command line tool you'll need to use a static library instead of a framework, and that's not possible yet. Instead, as a workaround, just throw the source files into your project.
let listArgument = Argument(type: .value, fullName: "list", shortName: "l", description: "Prints only the reminders in the given list or creates a new reminder there")
let newArgument = Argument(type: .value, fullName: "new", shortName: "n", description: "Creates a new reminder")
let usage = "A little app to quickly deal with reminders."
let argue = Argue(usage: usage, arguments: [newArgument, listArgument])
do {
try argue.parse()
catch {
println("Error parsing arguments: \(error.localizedDescription)")
if argue.helpArgument.value != nil {
if let title = newArgument.value as? String {
// do some magic