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DASH + Widevine
Hello @l1bbcsg @reeFridge @nomean42 could you please help with the following issue ?
VERSION: 2.7.5 DEVELOPING IN WINDOWS ENVIRONMENT PROBLEM: Unable to play a DASH content with Widevine DRM under Tizen and Webos.
ATTEMPTED SOLUTIONS (FOR WEBOS): Followed the drm.md documentation with the playready example (that I tried and works, plays tears of steel) and followed the instructions:
- Created widevine_client.js in node_modules\zombiebox\zb\device\drm\widevine_client.js, to save the mpd URL and the License Aquision Server Url
- Altered drm.js in node_modules\zombiebox\zb\device\drm\drm.js , added the widevine DRM
- Created widevine_hook.js in node_modules\zombiebox-platform-webos\lib\widevine-hook.js , created the widevine hook with the configurations from the WebOS website
- Altered stateful-html5-video.js in node_modules\zombiebox-platform-webos\lib\stateful-html5-video.js, changed to accept widevine and attach the widevine_client to the widevine_hook ALSO added WIDEVINE to isDRMSupported
- Altered player.js in src\scenes\player\player.js before the invocation of the play method, I attach the DRM with the WidevineClient passing in the argument an object with the stream URL and the License Aquision Server URL
All the files I created and Altered are in a zip file attached to this ticket, for your review.
NOTES: I have not tried for TIZEN, since I would have the exact same approach, and I believe that once I could have it working on WebOs it would be easy to replicate the steps for TIZEN (I think) The values for widevine_hook(_drmSystemId, _drmMessageType, WidevineCredentialsInfo xml initializer) were obtained by looking at the webos widevine documentation here: https://webostv.developer.lge.com/develop/app-developer-guide/playing-drm-content/
RESULT: The player loads but the video never plays
MPDurl(Live content) this link might be subject to expiration, if it does not work, please let me know and I will get new functional ones https://vspp.online.go.oi.com.br/sdash/LIVE$ESPN/index.mpd/Manifest?start=LIVE&end=END&device=webwidevine&vxttoken=cGF0aFVSST0lMmZzZGFzaCUyZkxJVkUlMjRFU1BOJTJmaW5kZXgubXBkJTJmKiZleHBpcnk9MTYxNjA4MzA1MSZ4OmlwPTEwLjIwMy4yNC4xOTgsZGRhMTcwMmQ0ZjIwOWFjNDRmM2Q2ZjlhMjk4YjhkYmNmYjJiYmNjZmZjYmVlYzY2MWY0N2MwZTMwNDMzMDdjYQ==
Widevine License Server: this link might be subject to expiration, if it does not work, please let me know and I will get new functional ones https://oiplaykeydeliveryprod.keydelivery.brazilsouth.media.azure.net/Widevine/?KID=478ee011-8cf8-426e-b171-0f5c3d300328&token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwOi8vb2lwbGF5Lm9pLmNvbS5ici8iLCJhdWQiOiJodHRwOi8vb2lwbGF5Lm9pLmNvbS5ici9henVyZW1zLyIsIm5iZiI6MTYxNjA3OTQ1MCwiZXhwIjoxNjE2MDkwMjUwLCJ1cm46bWljcm9zb2Z0OmF6dXJlOm1lZGlhc2VydmljZXM6Y29udGVudGtleWlkZW50aWZpZXIiOiI0NzhlZTAxMS04Y2Y4LTQyNmUtYjE3MS0wZjVjM2QzMDAzMjgifQ.ZiT7PHckr8LxW9F1o_rVD2H7tWyfYS_sQRJK_yAbxz0
FILES ATTACHED DashWidevine.zip
Thank you so much! Pedro
Hey @pedrosilvabos
I sent you an e-mail into [email protected], if possible i will be glad with some answer from you.
Thanks in advance.
@l1bbcsg @reeFridge @nomean42 Could someone please assist? Thank you.