zabbixapi-php copied to clipboard
Zabbix Token with SSL options
use IntelliTrend\Zabbix\ZabbixApi;
use IntelliTrend\Zabbix\ZabbixApiException;
print "Zabbix API Example\n";
print " Connect to API, ignore certificate/hostname and get number of hosts\n";
print "=====================================================\n";
$zabUrl ='https://blah/zabbix';
$zabToken = '123456';
$zbx = new ZabbixApi();
try {
// disable verification of certificate and hostname
$options = array('sslVerifyPeer' => false, 'sslVerifyHost' => false);
$zbx->login($zabUrl, $zabToken,$options); <---- This looks like it only wants a password because of the $options.
$result = $zbx->getApiVersion();
print "Remote Zabbix API Version:$result\n";
// Get number of host available to this useraccount
$result = $zbx->call('host.get',array("countOutput" => true));
print "Number of Hosts:$result\n";
} catch (ZabbixApiException $e) {
print "==== Zabbix API Exception ===\n";
print 'Errorcode: '.$e->getCode()."\n";
print 'ErrorMessage: '.$e->getMessage()."\n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
print "==== Exception ===\n";
print 'Errorcode: '.$e->getCode()."\n";
print 'ErrorMessage: '.$e->getMessage()."\n";
Zabbix API Example
Connect to API, ignore certificate/hostname and get number of hosts
Remote Zabbix API Version:6.0.22
==== Zabbix API Exception ===
Errorcode: -32602
ErrorMessage: Invalid params. [Invalid parameter "/password": a character string is expected.]