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KMeans is slow on gpu

Open fcharras opened this issue 1 year ago • 10 comments

The following snippet

import numpy as np
import sklearn

device = "cpu"
# device = "gpu:0"
from sklearnex import patch_sklearn
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

seed = 123
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)

n_samples = 50_000_000
dim = 14
n_clusters = 127

data = rng.random((n_samples, dim), dtype=np.float32)
init = rng.random((n_clusters, dim), dtype=np.float32)

kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, algorithm="lloyd", init=init, max_iter=100, tol=0, n_init=1)

show for device=cpu:

Intel(R) Extension for Scikit-learn* enabled (
CPU times: user 8min 24s, sys: 4.31 s, total: 8min 28s
Wall time: 8.76 s

(CPU with 224 cores)

and when device="gpu:0" (running with a max series gpu) it's very slow (I have it running for several minuts now, it's not over yet). On 100x less data it completes in about 4.5sc, extrapolating from that, the walltime would be almost an hour.

We show with the implementation provided in the sklearn-numba-dpex project that this amount of data can run in less than 10sc on max series too.


  • Linux 5.15 kernel
  • conda installation of scikit-learn-intelex and dpcpp-cpp-rt with -c conda channel

fcharras avatar Sep 06 '23 17:09 fcharras

For reference, see the benchmark in the repo.

Also note that we already notified @samir-nasibli about this problem but we decided to open a dedicated issue to track its resolution transparently.

ogrisel avatar Sep 06 '23 17:09 ogrisel

Hi @ogrisel thank you for this report as well! Could you please confirm that you are using SKLREANEX_PREIVEW env variable enabled?

samir-nasibli avatar Sep 07 '23 09:09 samir-nasibli

Let me try with:


If I run the above reproducer with the cpu device I get:

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
File <timed eval>:1

File ~/mambaforge/envs/intel/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sklearnex/preview/cluster/, in, X, y, sample_weight)
    189 if sklearn_check_version("1.2"):
    190     self._validate_params()
--> 192 dispatch(self, 'fit', {
    193     'onedal': self.__class__._onedal_fit,
    194     'sklearn':,
    195 }, X, y, sample_weight)
    197 return self

File ~/mambaforge/envs/intel/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sklearnex/, in dispatch(obj, method_name, branches, *args, **kwargs)
    158 backend, q, cpu_fallback = _get_backend(obj, q, method_name, *hostargs)
    160 if backend == 'onedal':
--> 161     return branches[backend](obj, *hostargs, **hostkwargs, queue=q)
    162 if backend == 'sklearn':
    163     return branches[backend](obj, *hostargs, **hostkwargs)

File ~/mambaforge/envs/intel/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sklearnex/preview/cluster/, in KMeans._onedal_fit(self, X, _, sample_weight, queue)
    213 self._initialize_onedal_estimator()
    214, queue=queue)
--> 216 self._save_attributes()

File ~/mambaforge/envs/intel/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sklearnex/preview/cluster/, in BaseKMeans._save_attributes(self)
     68 self._labels_ = self._onedal_estimator.labels_
     69 self._inertia_ = self._onedal_estimator.inertia_
---> 70 self._algorithm = self._onedal_estimator._algorithm
     71 self._cluster_centers_ = self._onedal_estimator.cluster_centers_
     72 self._sparse = False

AttributeError: 'KMeans' object has no attribute '_algorithm'

then with gpu:0 device, the code still breaks as follows but after waiting for approximately one minute (or more):

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
File <timed eval>:1

File ~/mambaforge/envs/intel/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sklearnex/preview/cluster/, in, X, y, sample_weight)
    189 if sklearn_check_version("1.2"):
    190     self._validate_params()
--> 192 dispatch(self, 'fit', {
    193     'onedal': self.__class__._onedal_fit,
    194     'sklearn':,
    195 }, X, y, sample_weight)
    197 return self

File ~/mambaforge/envs/intel/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sklearnex/, in dispatch(obj, method_name, branches, *args, **kwargs)
    158 backend, q, cpu_fallback = _get_backend(obj, q, method_name, *hostargs)
    160 if backend == 'onedal':
--> 161     return branches[backend](obj, *hostargs, **hostkwargs, queue=q)
    162 if backend == 'sklearn':
    163     return branches[backend](obj, *hostargs, **hostkwargs)

File ~/mambaforge/envs/intel/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sklearnex/preview/cluster/, in KMeans._onedal_fit(self, X, _, sample_weight, queue)
    213 self._initialize_onedal_estimator()
    214, queue=queue)
--> 216 self._save_attributes()

File ~/mambaforge/envs/intel/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sklearnex/preview/cluster/, in BaseKMeans._save_attributes(self)
     68 self._labels_ = self._onedal_estimator.labels_
     69 self._inertia_ = self._onedal_estimator.inertia_
---> 70 self._algorithm = self._onedal_estimator._algorithm
     71 self._cluster_centers_ = self._onedal_estimator.cluster_centers_
     72 self._sparse = False

AttributeError: 'KMeans' object has no attribute '_algorithm'


daal4py                   2023.2.1         py310_intel_32    intel
dal                       2023.2.1               intel_32    intel
scikit-learn-intelex      2023.2.1         py310_intel_32    intel

ogrisel avatar Sep 07 '23 10:09 ogrisel

AttributeError: 'KMeans' object has no attribute '_algorithm'

Already fixed and available with 2024.0.

samir-nasibli avatar Sep 07 '23 14:09 samir-nasibli

but it will not be available for quite a while - and currently we are going through the integration and bunch of changes so even building from sources currently would be painfully. We can share internal build in 2-3 weeks

napetrov avatar Sep 07 '23 14:09 napetrov

@napetrov Many thanks for the clarification! @ogrisel I have already reproduced the issues and trying investigate it. will update as soon as possible.

samir-nasibli avatar Sep 07 '23 19:09 samir-nasibli

Am a bit confused by performance in latest releases, should we look at scikit-learn-intelex==2023.2.1 or scikit-learn-intelex==20230725.122141 ? seems that the latter is more recent but it has a different versionning scheme that differs from official oneapi usual versionning, and I suspect that there's a performance regression for kmeans on CPU (see this benchmark table, I recorded 50sc walltime on some big dataset for 100 lloyd iteration with random initialization for scikit-learn-intelex==20230725.122141 but only 18sc for an identical benchmark with scikit-learn-intelex==2023.2.1 except that it should be slower since the walltime now includes kmeans++ initialization.)

fcharras avatar Oct 12 '23 09:10 fcharras

Re-ran the scikit-learn-intelex kmeans benchmark while carefully installing scikit-learn-intelex==2023.2.1 from pip, it looks much better now :thinking: , the 20230725 comes from conda apparently. (the sheet will be synchronized in a few minutes)

fcharras avatar Oct 12 '23 12:10 fcharras

Re-ran the scikit-learn-intelex kmeans benchmark while carefully installing scikit-learn-intelex==2023.2.1 from pip, it looks much better now 🤔 , the 20230725 comes from conda apparently. (the sheet will be synchronized in a few minutes)

@fcharras Based on this result, can the issue be closed now? Also FYI that once is merged, KMeans will be out of preview and the SKLEARNEX_PREVIEW env variable will no longer be necessary.

ethanglaser avatar Jan 25 '24 00:01 ethanglaser

Re-ran the scikit-learn-intelex kmeans benchmark while carefully installing scikit-learn-intelex==2023.2.1 from pip, it looks much better now 🤔 , the 20230725 comes from conda apparently. (the sheet will be synchronized in a few minutes)

Was this about the perf regression observed on CPU or the new run on GPU? It does not seem that you ran it on GPU based on the results.

ogrisel avatar Feb 01 '24 13:02 ogrisel