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pcm scensor server: Using docker & granfana front-ended error
Grafana is running,but no data on the page. The post request failed and the error message is : A Status: 500. Message: InfluxDB returned error: error parsing query: found /, expected identifier, string, number, bool at line 1, char 316
I have tried the lateset master branch and the "202311 Release" code gz, both two ways result in the same error.
POST query : SELECT mean("Core Aggregate_Core Counters_L2 Cache Misses")/mean("Core Aggregate_Core Counters_Instructions Retired Any") FROM "http" WHERE ("url" = '') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null). Post Response: "error": "InfluxDB returned error: error parsing query: found \/, expected identifier, string, number, bool at line 1, char 177",
So, i think there might be some error near "http://"
are you using the start.sh script to start the containers and generate the dashboard?
are you using the start.sh script to start the containers and generate the dashboard?
Yes! # sudo sh start.sh
I tried the most recent version of pcm and grafana scripts (start.sh/stop.sh) from the master branch and the issue is not reproducible on my end. InfluxDB accepts the queries. Which version of pcm are you using?
I tried the most recent version of pcm and grafana scripts (start.sh/stop.sh) from the master branch and the issue is not reproducible on my end. InfluxDB accepts the queries. Which version of pcm are you using?
I first tried master branch last day, but it didn't work. I have checked the containers with "docker ps ",influxdb and grafana are both running。 So I aslo tried "202311 Release" : https://github.com/intel/pcm/releases/tag/202311 Also result in the same error.
I tried the most recent version of pcm and grafana scripts (start.sh/stop.sh) from the master branch and the issue is not reproducible on my end. InfluxDB accepts the queries. Which version of pcm are you using?
I first tried master branch last day, but it didn't work. I have checked the containers with "docker ps ",influxdb and grafana are both running。 So I aslo tried "202311 Release" : https://github.com/intel/pcm/releases/tag/202311 Also result in the same error.
First ,with master branch, the docker cannnot start influxdb correctly, because the "network" word is at the wrong place, I fixed it and found you fixed it last day. @.@ But this front end error confused me for hours, and I cannot fix it by myself.
ok. Perhaps you can try to stop the containers (stop.sh), delete your old container volumes (rm -rf *_volume), use the most recent version from scratch? It works flawlessly for me
I believe this has been fixed in a recent version. If not, please re-open