cve-bin-tool icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
cve-bin-tool copied to clipboard

New checker: apache http server

Open terriko opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments

New checker request: Apache http (In "celebration" of )



  • Just the 2.4 ones (others on separate pages)

Instructions: How to add a new checker to the CVE Binary Tool

This may also be a great opportunity to try out the checker creation helper script created by @peb-peb.

terriko avatar Oct 13 '21 18:10 terriko

Would like to work on this and try out the new Helper script!

alt-glitch avatar Oct 20 '21 03:10 alt-glitch

Hey, I have understanding of python and apache , what's is here I is required to be done, please elaborate. I'll help

Shashwat-05 avatar Jan 18 '22 10:01 Shashwat-05

@Shashwat-05 you can refer this guide

BreadGenie avatar Jan 18 '22 10:01 BreadGenie

I have created a PR #1589 for this program, I hope it's up to the mark.

I didn't use the helper script though, this was manually made. I could try to create another helper with the script if required.

gotlougit avatar Mar 07 '22 04:03 gotlougit

This has been integrated but apparently I forgot to close the issue. doing that now!

terriko avatar Sep 30 '22 00:09 terriko