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Create wiki page detailing our documentation rules

Open jodh-intel opened this issue 7 years ago • 1 comments

We need a page under that lists details on how to write consistent documentation for the project.

The page should cover such topics as:

  • How to reference the name of this project:
    • "Intel® Clear Containers" for the first instance in a file.
    • "Clear Containers" on any subsequent instances.
  • How to reference the repository URL:
  • How to reference the repository name: "cc-oci-runtime".
  • How to reference command names:
    • Use a fixed-width font:
      • cc-oci-runtime
      • echo(1)
      • bash(1).
  • How to reference 3rd party product names.
  • How to ensure it is clear whether a command, project, repo name or 3rd-party product is being referred to.
  • et cetera.

jodh-intel avatar Apr 03 '17 08:04 jodh-intel

Other things to consider specifying:

  • Accepted spellings (for example, "utilize" or "utilise" (or either)).
  • Numbers should be written as words if less than or equal to ten.

Oh for a "Strunk and White" github webhook service... :smile:

jodh-intel avatar Jan 03 '18 11:01 jodh-intel