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Intel(R) Machine Learning Scaling Library is a library providing an efficient implementation of communication patterns used in deep learning.
Intel(R) Machine Learning Scaling Library for Linux* OS
Intel® MLSL is no longer supported, no new releases are available. Please switch to the new API introduced in Intel® oneAPI Collective Communications Library (oneCCL)
Intel(R) Machine Learning Scaling Library (Intel(R) MLSL) is a library providing an efficient implementation of communication patterns used in deep learning.
- Built on top of MPI, allows for use of other communication libraries
- Optimized to drive scalability of communication patterns
- Works across various interconnects: Intel(R) Omni-Path Architecture,
InfiniBand*, and Ethernet
- Common API to support Deep Learning frameworks (Caffe*, Theano*,
Torch*, etc.)
Intel(R) MLSL package comprises the Intel MLSL Software Development Kit (SDK) and the Intel(R) MPI Library Runtime components.
This section describes the required software.
Operating Systems:
- Red Hat* Enterprise Linux* 6 or 7
- SuSE* Linux* Enterprise Server 12
- Ubuntu* 16
- GNU*: C, C++ 4.4.0 or higher
- Intel(R) C++ Compiler for Linux* OS 16.0 through 17.0 or higher
Virtual Environments: - Docker* - KVM*
Installing Intel(R) Machine Learning Scaling Library
Installing Intel(R) MLSL by building from source:
$ make all
$ [MLSL_INSTALL_PATH=/path] make install
By default MLSL_INSTALL_PATH=$PWD/_install
Binary releases are available on our release page.
Installing Intel(R) MLSL using RPM Package Manager (root mode):
1. Log in as root
2. Install the package:
$ rpm -i intel-mlsl-devel-64-<version>.<update>-<package#>.x86_64.rpm
where <version>.<update>-<package#> is a string, such as: 2017.0-009
3. Uninstalling Intel(R) MLSL using the RPM Package Manager
$ rpm -e intel-mlsl-devel-64-<version>.<update>-<package#>.x86_64
Installing Intel(R) MLSL using the tar file (user mode):
$ tar zxf l_mlsl-devel-64-<version>.<update>.<package#>.tgz
$ cd l_mlsl_<version>.<update>.<package#>
$ ./
There is no uninstall script. To uninstall Intel(R) MLSL, delete the
full directory you have installed the package into.
Launching Sample Application
The sample application needs python with the numpy package installed. You can use [Intel Distribution for Python] (, Anaconda, or the python and numpy that comes with your OS. Before you start using Intel(R) MLSL, make sure to set up the library environment.
Use the command:
$ source <install_dir>/intel64/bin/
$ cd <install_dir>/test
$ make run
If the test fails, look in the log files in the same directory. Here <install_dir> is the Intel MLSL installation directory.
Migration to oneCCL
Intel® MLSL is no longer supported, no new releases are available. Please switch to the new API introduced in Intel® oneAPI Collective Communications Library (oneCCL) There are some examples that can help you get started with oneCCL, simply try to perform the following:
$ cd ./mlsl_to_ccl
$ . ${MLSL_ROOT}/intel64/bin/
$ . ${CCL_ROOT}/env/
$ make run -f Makefile
If you used MLSL before, here is an example that demonstrates the key differences between libraries' APIs.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
- #include "mlsl.hpp"
+ #include "ccl.hpp"
- using namespace MLSL;
+ using namespace ccl;
#define COUNT 128
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int i, size, rank;
auto sendbuf = new float[COUNT];
auto recvbuf = new float[COUNT];
- Environment::GetEnv().Init(&argc, &argv);
- rank = Environment::GetEnv().GetProcessIdx();
- size = Environment::GetEnv().GetProcessCount();
- auto dist = Environment::GetEnv().CreateDistribution(size, 1);
+ auto stream = environment::instance().create_stream();
+ auto comm = environment::instance().create_communicator();
+ rank = comm->rank();
+ size = comm->size();
/* initialize sendbuf */
for (i = 0; i < COUNT; i++)
sendbuf[i] = rank;
/* invoke allreduce */
- auto req = dist->AllReduce(sendbuf, recvbuf, COUNT,
- Environment::GetEnv().Wait(req);
+ comm->allreduce(sendbuf, recvbuf, COUNT,
+ reduction::sum,
+ nullptr /* coll_attr */,
+ stream)->wait();
/* check correctness of recvbuf */
float expected = (size - 1) * ((float)size / 2);
for (i = 0; i < COUNT; i++)
if (recvbuf[i] != expected)
std::cout << "idx " << i
<< ": got " << recvbuf[i]
<< " but expected " << expected
<< std::endl;
if (i == COUNT && rank == 0)
std::cout << "PASSED" << std::endl;
- Environment::GetEnv().DeleteDistribution(dist);
- Environment::GetEnv().Finalize();
delete[] sendbuf;
delete[] recvbuf;
return 0;
Intel MLSL is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0.
Optimization Notice
Intel's compilers may or may not optimize to the same degree for non-Intel microprocessors for optimizations that are not unique to Intel microprocessors. These optimizations include SSE2, SSE3, and SSSE3 instruction sets and other optimizations. Intel does not guarantee the availability, functionality, or effectiveness of any optimization on microprocessors not manufactured by Intel. Microprocessor-dependent optimizations in this product are intended for use with Intel microprocessors. Certain optimizations not specific to Intel microarchitecture are reserved for Intel microprocessors. Please refer to the applicable product User and Reference Guides for more information regarding the specific instruction sets covered by this notice.
Notice revision #20110804
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.