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Some java methods throw UnsatisfiedLinkError

Open vkolotov opened this issue 7 years ago • 4 comments

Calling BluetoothDevice.getTxPower BluetoothDevice.getBluetoothType

result in

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: tinyb.BluetoothDevice.getTxPower()S java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: tinyb.BluetoothDevice.getBluetoothType()Ltinyb/BluetoothType;

Bluez 5.43 and 0.5.0 tinyb

vkolotov avatar Dec 30 '16 10:12 vkolotov

getBluetoothType() appears to be a virtual method in the C++ side, maybe JNI doesn't like that? The getTxPower method is definitely implemented. I'll try that function on the C++ side.

impala454 avatar Jun 12 '17 12:06 impala454

great, if you could update c++ stuff, possibly I would be able to fix java part.

vkolotov avatar Jun 12 '17 21:06 vkolotov

Line 1101 in java/jini/BluetoothDevice.cxx jshort Java_tinyb_BluetoothDevice_getTXPower(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj) should be jshort Java_tinyb_BluetoothDevice_getTxPower(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)

lsimedia avatar Aug 10 '17 14:08 lsimedia

I submiited a patch to correct the UnsatisfiedLinkError for BluetoothDevice.getTxPower BluetoothDevice.getBluetoothType

lsimedia avatar Aug 12 '17 14:08 lsimedia