Eric Greer
Eric Greer
It would be nice if our users could easily one-click enable checks that we have vetted and approved. We could offer this up as a GUI on Kuberhealthy after deployment....
We should have a formal check adoption process so that very popular community checks can find their way into the Kuberhealthy organization on github. This should include a code review...
IT would be nice for users to be able to see the status of checks (and their history) on a page with a GUI. Currently, only a JSON status page...
We need a better public-facing presence than our current readme. We should create a nice website that describes the benefits of Kuberhealthy and draws in more new users. This should...
We need a documentation system that supports versioning so that new versions of documentation are available for each release (along with historical documentation for older releases).
It is not feasible for us to maintain all versions with security patches forever. We should define a policy for how long we support our Kuberhealthy releases with security fixes.
We need a way to easily patch in security fixes into all our containers (the main binary, packages, and check containers). We should be sure to have automation for making...
In order for Kuberhealthy to become more able to automatically perform remediation, it needs some kind of record of check pass/fail events. Currently, the `khstate` resource only contains the current...
More client packages for our users that can query the JSON status endpoint makes it easier for users to fetch data about Kuberhealthy from any application they choose. We should...
We need to provide containers for more architectures. We should see if Kuberhealthy can compile for arm and possibly Windows, then allow for users to select that image type easily...