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Wrong username on commits
Sometimes, when doing a commit, another user is displayed on the channel as the commiter, instead of the actual one.
If you click the commit link, in GitHub is properly addressed, it's just the channel that displays another user within our organisation (always the same one).
For example, in commit 35123b1982632730908c980f0b3f4ff720ae7c48 done at 12:31, we got this notification in Slack:
But it was actually done by me (@lord-enzo ), not the user on the image...
Thanks for opening this issue! If you would like to help implement an improvement, read more about contributing and consider submitting a pull request.
I've experienced this problem for the past months, but today it suddenly showed the correct name in our slack channel. If someone else can verify the same thing this issue might be a non-issue :)
Edit: I just reazlied it randomly started working due to a fresh OS, so there is some variable set per computer that doesn't reflect what the git bash user is.
Same issue in our channel
Experiencing this issue too. Does anyone know of a fix?
FIX: This was happening to me after I set up 2FA for my account. Then, at my place of work, my commits were showing up as someone else. I fixed it by wiping my credentials from the keychain, and re-entering my username and password.
Happening here too.
Experiencing the same thing
One thing that fixed it was to delete credentials from keychain related to github and slack, and re-entering your username and password. Thanks to @jackrieger for pointing this out!
I tried deleting the credentials from the keychain, but I'm still having the issue
git config "xxxme" git config "cxx" git config user.password "cxxxx" git config credential.username "xxxx"
It worked like a charm for me.
I cannot believe this issue is still opened and not solved after 3 years! I'm experiencing this same problem as of today. The repository having issue has only one collaborator and we are both using git on Ubuntu 18.04 running on WSL2. This kind of beats the purpose of integrating into Slack since all commits shown on slack channel are supposedly done by me but if you click on link it displays user ok on Configuring git appropriately didn't solve the issue for me. Super and utterly annoying.
Happening again for me as well.
If it is for scheduled notifications, use SLACK_MSG_AUTHOR : <memberId>innotification actions.
i change from https to ssh and it solves the problem. not sure why tho