gradle-swagger-generator-plugin copied to clipboard
Custom generator no longer seems to work
We are trying to migrate from 2.11.0 to 2.15.1 and found that the custom code generator logic no longer seems to work as expected (using a 2.x based custom generator). Currently in 2.15.1 its returning:
Can't load config class with name Available: ada
(continues to list supported codeGen config strings.
Would you provide the root cause of stack trace? You can see stack trace by ./gradlew -s
For example,
org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':generateSwaggerCodePetstore'.
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error while running swagger-codegen-cli
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't load config class with name generators.MySpring Available: ...
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: generators.MySpring cannot be cast to io.swagger.codegen.v3.CodegenConfig
at io.swagger.codegen.v3.CodegenConfigLoader.forName(
... 2 more
I had to do this customization in the config:
code.configuration = project.buildscript.configurations.getByName("classpath")
This makes the java exec of the swagger codegen cli use the buildscript classpath, which contained my generator class.
it's been a while on this thread, but...did you solve the issue? I tried the code.configuration =...but the problem with that is it seems to override the dependency information too, so then it fails because it thinks swagger-codegen-cli isn't a dependency
happen to know how can i get it on the classpath but also the other dependency?
Got it working, using swagger2 codegen, adding the following was the trick, ultimately. the @jar syntax, in particular...(sample here is truncated, so groupid/etc may not be uniform)
implementation("io.swagger:swagger-codegen:$swaggerVersion") { exclude("org.slf4", "sl4j-simple") }
//// .....
dependencies {
for tests (using junit & testkit), i did:
import org.hidetake.gradle.swagger.generator.GenerateSwaggerCode
plugins {
id("com.myorg.service-conventions") version "+"
repositories {
dependencies {
swaggerSources {
register("swagger-test-plugin") {
// Need to save a reference of it here because the `this` scope changes below.
val validationTask = validation
val yamlResourceDir = sourceSets.test.get().resources.srcDirs.first().path
println("test using resource dir ${'$'}yamlResourceDir ")
val yamlDir = "${'$'}yamlResourceDir/yaml"
println("test yamlDir is ${'$'}yamlDir")
code(delegateClosureOf<GenerateSwaggerCode> {
language = "com.myorg.generator.swagger.MySpringCodegen"
outputDir = file("build/generated")
components = listOf("models")
dependsOn(validationTask, tasks.named("build")
, project.getTasksByName("my-swagger-generator:jar", true))
@bjconlan-fc close this issue please if you don't need it open still. it works for me or @int128 can you close this, trying to clean up..
the 'this reference' thing i don't think is actually needed, you can reference it via the this@ syntax to reference out of the closure