Insu Jang
Insu Jang
Nice to hear that the fix will be merged very soon. Thank you!
Hi! Thanks for this work. I am not a part of hpcaitech, but just wondering: are you planning to keep bumping the version up? Since HF transformers version is now...
Hi @char-1ee , thank you for your answer. I'm afraid I cannot understand your explanation. Your example does not even use `LazyInitContext` at all. Parameters are already materialized at the...
Oh I see. Have you checked parameters are properly loaded? I should have been more clear, the code will work without explicit error returned as you said. But I think...
It seems tests even didn't run due to timeout. Any hint why?
Hi @ArthurZucker, does #31446 include packing? It seems it is just refactoring flash attention, a prerequisite of packing not packing itself.