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example for HTTP (well-known) challenge setup

Open joepio opened this issue 2 years ago • 8 comments

Hi there! Thanks for making this :)

I'm trying to build a server that's really easy to setup. Doing acme using the HTTP-01 challenge can be highly automated. This is great for end-users, as they don't need to mess with their DNS settings. Some time ago I used this in combination with acme_lib, but because I really wanted to ditch openssl as a dependency, I looked for a different crate and found instant-acme!

Now I'd like to do something similar with instant-acme, but I'm not quite sure how. I have a file mostly based on the example provided in your repo, and I know that I should use instant_acme::ChallengeType::Http01. I also have a small actix server that could host a file during the setup, so I just need to get the files and filenames somewehere.

Possible solutions

  • setup_https_dir(path): I'd love to have an API that I can just point to a .well-known directory on my filesystem. It writes what it needs to write, and I make sure the file is hosted.
  • Add KeyAuthorization::Http01_Content: a function that I can call that outputs the file contents for the challenge.
  • magic_setup(path): Handle the entire Http01 challenge! Might make the lib too hefty, though. Perhaps behind a feature flag?

What do you think?

joepio avatar Feb 08 '23 20:02 joepio

I'm open to adding a minimal hyper-based HTTP server (guarded by an opt-in Cargo feature), which you could pass a SocketAddr to listen as well as an &Order, and which could serve the .well-known path directly.

Would you be able to work on that?

djc avatar Feb 09 '23 08:02 djc

That sounds absolutely perfect! :D

Edit: whoops, I read: would you be able to work with that. I'm not sure if I can add this feature.

joepio avatar Feb 09 '23 08:02 joepio

Note that you could also implement a handler in the framework you desire similar to this:

// SomeAppState contains some way of storing String -> KeyAuthorization
// For simplicity just a HashMap at `SomeAppState.acme`
struct SomeAppState {
    acme: HashMap<String, KeyAuthorization>,

// handler for /.well-known/acme-challenge/{token}
fn http_get_handler(state: &SomeAppState, token: String) -> Response {
    let file_content = state.acme.get("token").map(|auth| auth.as_str())
    // Set correct headers and return file_content depending on how your framework solves this.

// Somewhere else where you want to create the new acme challenges:
fn add_well_known(state: &mut SomeAppState, domain: Identifier, account: Account ) {
    let (mut order, order_state) = account
        .new_order(&NewOrder {
            identifiers: &[domain],
    let authorizations = order.authorizations(&state.authorizations).await.unwrap();
    let mut challenges = Vec::with_capacity(authorizations.len());
    for authz in &authorizations {
        match authz.status {
            AuthorizationStatus::Pending => {}
            AuthorizationStatus::Valid => continue,
            _ => todo!(),
        let challenge = authz
            .find(|c| c.r#type == ChallengeType::Http01)
            .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("no http01 challenge found"))?;

        state.acme.insert(challenge.token, order.key_authorization(challenge))
        challenges.push((identifier, &challenge.url));

    // Let the server know we're ready to accept the challenges.
    for (_, url) in &challenges {

Don't forget to clean the map afterward. And don't forget to renew them in time :)

valkum avatar Feb 09 '23 12:02 valkum


Thanks for the help! I've managed to update my init script, it now uses instant-acme and supports both Https01 and Dns01. It persists the cert files / key to disk, and automatically renews if the certs are outdated.

Feel free to use my code as an actix example.

joepio avatar Feb 10 '23 12:02 joepio

My fork now contains an HTTP example. It's very similar to the provision example in this repo.

Icelk avatar Feb 24 '23 13:02 Icelk

I'm afraid my example isn't actually working correctly. I didn't notice until recently, because my HTTPS cert was still valid.

I'm still trying to find out what's going wrong.

joepio avatar Jan 10 '24 15:01 joepio

Found it! Two (or three) issues with the example from above:

  • The order has to be .refreshed() in the loop: order.refresh().await.unwrap();
  • The order.state().status has to break also when it is Valid: OrderStatus::Ready | OrderStatus::Invalid | OrderStatus::Valid
  • The cert_chain_pem can fail if called immediately, you should put it in a loop:

    let cert_chain_pem = loop {
        match order.certificate().await {
            Ok(Some(cert_chain_pem)) => {
                info!("Certificate ready!");
                break cert_chain_pem;
            Ok(None) => {
                if tries > 10 {
                    return Err("Giving up: certificate is still not ready".into());
                tries += 1;
                info!("Certificate not ready yet...");
            Err(e) => return Err(format!("Error getting certificate {}", e).into()),

Here's my whole setup:

//! Everything required for setting up HTTPS / TLS.
//! Instantiate a server for HTTP-01 check with letsencrypt,
//! checks if certificates are not outdated,
//! persists files on disk.

use crate::errors::AtomicServerResult;
use actix_web::{dev::ServerHandle, App, HttpServer};
use std::{
    fs::{self, File},
use tracing::{info, warn};

/// Create RUSTLS server config from certificates in config dir
pub fn get_https_config(
    config: &crate::config::Config,
) -> AtomicServerResult<rustls::ServerConfig> {
    use rustls_pemfile::{certs, pkcs8_private_keys};
    let https_config = rustls::ServerConfig::builder()
    // rustls::NoClientAuth::new()
    let cert_file =
        &mut BufReader::new(File::open(config.cert_path.clone()).expect("No HTTPS TLS key found."));
    let key_file =
        &mut BufReader::new(File::open(&config.key_path).expect("Could not open config key path"));
    let mut cert_chain = Vec::new();

    for bytes in certs(cert_file)? {
        let certificate = rustls::Certificate(bytes);
    let mut keys = pkcs8_private_keys(key_file)?;
    if keys.is_empty() {
        panic!("No key found. Consider deleting the `.https` directory and restart to create new keys.")
        .with_single_cert(cert_chain, rustls::PrivateKey(keys.remove(0)))
        .expect("Unable to create HTTPS config from certificates"))

pub fn certs_created_at_path(config: &crate::config::Config) -> PathBuf {
    let mut path = config
        .unwrap_or_else(|| {
                "Cannot open parent dir of HTTPS certs {:?}",

/// Adds a file to the .https folder to indicate age of certificates
fn set_certs_created_at_file(config: &crate::config::Config) {
    let now_string = chrono::Utc::now();
    let path = certs_created_at_path(config);
    fs::write(&path, now_string.to_string())
        .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Unable to write {:?}", &path));

/// Checks if the certificates need to be renewed.
/// Will be true if there are no certs yet.
pub fn should_renew_certs_check(config: &crate::config::Config) -> AtomicServerResult<bool> {
    if std::fs::File::open(&config.cert_path).is_err() {
            "No HTTPS certificates found in {:?}, requesting new ones...",
        return Ok(true);
    let path = certs_created_at_path(config);

    let created_at = std::fs::read_to_string(&path)
        .map_err(|_| format!("Unable to read {:?}", &path))?
        .map_err(|_| format!("failed to parse {:?}", &path))?;
    let certs_age: chrono::Duration = chrono::Utc::now() - created_at;
    // Let's Encrypt certificates are valid for three months, but I think renewing earlier provides a better UX
    let expired = certs_age > chrono::Duration::weeks(4);
    if expired {
        warn!("HTTPS Certificates expired, requesting new ones...")
        // This is where I might need to remove the `.https/` folder, but it seems like it's not necessary

/// Starts an HTTP Actix server for HTTPS certificate initialization
async fn cert_init_server(
    config: &crate::config::Config,
    challenge: &instant_acme::Challenge,
    key_auth: &instant_acme::KeyAuthorization,
) -> AtomicServerResult<ServerHandle> {
    let address = format!("{}:{}", config.opts.ip, config.opts.port);
    warn!("Server temporarily running in HTTP mode at {}, running Let's Encrypt Certificate initialization...", address);

    if config.opts.port != 80 {
            "HTTP port is {}, not 80. Should be 80 in most cases during LetsEncrypt setup. If you've correctly forwarded it, you can ignore this warning.",

    let mut well_known_folder = config.static_path.clone();

    let mut challenge_path = well_known_folder.clone();
    // let challenge_file_content = format!("{}.{}", challenge.token, key_auth.as_str());
    fs::write(challenge_path, key_auth.as_str())?;

    let (tx, rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel();

    std::thread::spawn(move || {
        actix_web::rt::System::new().block_on(async move {
                "Starting HTTP server for HTTPS initialization at {}",
            let init_server = HttpServer::new(move || {
                    actix_files::Files::new("/.well-known", well_known_folder.clone())

            let running_server = init_server.bind(&address)?.run();

                .expect("Error sending handle during HTTPS init.");


    let handle = rx
        .map_err(|e| format!("Error receiving handle during HTTPS init. {}", e))?;

    let well_known_url = format!(
        &config.opts.domain, &challenge.token

    // wait for a few secs
    info!("Testing availability of {}", &well_known_url);

    let agent = ureq::builder()
    let resp = agent
        // .get("")
        .map_err(|e| {
                "Unable to test local server. Is it available at the right address? {}",
    if resp.status() != 200 {
        warn!("Unable to test local server. Status: {}", resp.status());
    } else {
        info!("Server for HTTP initialization running correctly");

/// Sends a request to LetsEncrypt to create a certificate
pub async fn request_cert(config: &crate::config::Config) -> AtomicServerResult<()> {
    use instant_acme::OrderStatus;

    let challenge_type = if config.opts.https_dns {
        info!("Using DNS-01 challenge");
    } else {
        info!("Using HTTP-01 challenge");

    // Create a new account. This will generate a fresh ECDSA key for you.
    // Alternatively, restore an account from serialized credentials by
    // using `Account::from_credentials()`.

    let lets_encrypt_url = if config.opts.development {
            "Using LetsEncrypt staging server, not production. This is for testing purposes only and will not provide a working certificate."
    } else {

    let email =
            "No email set - required for HTTPS certificate initialization with LetsEncrypt",

    info!("Creating LetsEncrypt account with email {}", email);

    let (account, _creds) = instant_acme::Account::create(
        &instant_acme::NewAccount {
            contact: &[&format!("mailto:{}", email)],
            terms_of_service_agreed: true,
            only_return_existing: false,
    .map_err(|e| format!("Failed to create account: {}", e))?;

    // Create the ACME order based on the given domain names.
    // Note that this only needs an `&Account`, so the library will let you
    // process multiple orders in parallel for a single account.

    let mut domain = config.opts.domain.clone();
    if config.opts.https_dns {
        // Set a wildcard subdomain. Not possible with Http-01 challenge, only Dns-01.
        domain = format!("*.{}", domain);
    let identifier = instant_acme::Identifier::Dns(domain);
    let mut order = account
        .new_order(&instant_acme::NewOrder {
            identifiers: &[identifier],


    // Pick the desired challenge type and prepare the response.

    let authorizations = order.authorizations().await.unwrap();
    let mut challenges = Vec::with_capacity(authorizations.len());

    // if we have H11p01 challenges, we need to start a server to handle them, and eventually turn that off again
    let mut handle: Option<ServerHandle> = None;

    for authz in &authorizations {
        match authz.status {
            instant_acme::AuthorizationStatus::Pending => {}
            instant_acme::AuthorizationStatus::Valid => continue,
            _ => todo!(),

        let challenge = authz
            .find(|c| c.r#type == challenge_type)
            .ok_or(format!("no {:?} challenge found", challenge_type))?;

        let instant_acme::Identifier::Dns(identifier) = &authz.identifier;

        let key_auth = order.key_authorization(challenge);
        match challenge_type {
            instant_acme::ChallengeType::Http01 => {
                handle = Some(cert_init_server(config, challenge, &key_auth).await?);
            instant_acme::ChallengeType::Dns01 => {
                println!("Please set the following DNS record then press any key:");
                    "_acme-challenge.{} IN TXT {}",
                std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut String::new()).unwrap();
            instant_acme::ChallengeType::TlsAlpn01 => todo!("TLS-ALPN-01 is not supported"),

        challenges.push((identifier, &challenge.url));

    // Let the server know we're ready to accept the challenges.
    for (a, url) in &challenges {
        info!("Setting challenge ready for {} at {}", a, url);

    // Exponentially back off until the order becomes ready or invalid.
    let mut tries = 1u8;
    let mut delay = std::time::Duration::from_millis(250);
    let url = authorizations.get(0).expect("Authorizations is empty");
    let state = loop {
        let state = order.state();
        info!("Order state: {:#?}", state);
        if let OrderStatus::Ready | OrderStatus::Invalid | OrderStatus::Valid = state.status {
            break state;

        delay *= 2;
        tries += 1;
        match tries < 10 {
            true => info!("order is not ready, waiting {delay:?}"),
            false => {
                return Err(format!(
                    "Giving up: order is not ready. For details, see the url: {url:?}"

    if state.status == OrderStatus::Invalid {
        return Err(format!("order is invalid, check {url:?}").into());

    let mut names = Vec::with_capacity(challenges.len());
    for (identifier, _) in challenges {

    // If the order is ready, we can provision the certificate.
    // Use the rcgen library to create a Certificate Signing Request.

    let mut params = rcgen::CertificateParams::new(names.clone());
    params.distinguished_name = rcgen::DistinguishedName::new();
    let cert = rcgen::Certificate::from_params(params).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
    let csr = cert.serialize_request_der().map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;

    // Finalize the order and print certificate chain, private key and account credentials.
    order.finalize(&csr).await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;

    let mut tries = 1u8;

    let cert_chain_pem = loop {
        match order.certificate().await {
            Ok(Some(cert_chain_pem)) => {
                info!("Certificate ready!");
                break cert_chain_pem;
            Ok(None) => {
                if tries > 10 {
                    return Err("Giving up: certificate is still not ready".into());
                tries += 1;
                info!("Certificate not ready yet...");
            Err(e) => return Err(format!("Error getting certificate {}", e).into()),

    write_certs(config, cert_chain_pem, cert)?;

    if let Some(hnd) = handle {
        warn!("HTTPS TLS Cert init successful! Stopping temporary HTTP server, starting HTTPS...");


fn write_certs(
    config: &crate::config::Config,
    cert_chain_pem: String,
    cert: rcgen::Certificate,
) -> AtomicServerResult<()> {
    info!("Writing TLS certificates to {:?}", config.https_path);
    fs::write(&config.cert_path, cert_chain_pem)?;
    fs::write(&config.key_path, cert.serialize_private_key_pem())?;


joepio avatar Jan 10 '24 18:01 joepio

@joepio Thanks a lot for sharing!

Icelk avatar Feb 04 '24 22:02 Icelk