instant-acme copied to clipboard
example for HTTP (well-known) challenge setup
Hi there! Thanks for making this :)
I'm trying to build a server that's really easy to setup. Doing acme using the HTTP-01 challenge can be highly automated. This is great for end-users, as they don't need to mess with their DNS settings. Some time ago I used this in combination with acme_lib
, but because I really wanted to ditch openssl as a dependency, I looked for a different crate and found instant-acme
Now I'd like to do something similar with instant-acme
, but I'm not quite sure how. I have a file mostly based on the example provided in your repo, and I know that I should use instant_acme::ChallengeType::Http01
. I also have a small actix server that could host a file during the setup, so I just need to get the files and filenames somewehere.
Possible solutions
: I'd love to have an API that I can just point to a.well-known
directory on my filesystem. It writes what it needs to write, and I make sure the file is hosted. - Add
: a function that I can call that outputs the file contents for the challenge. -
: Handle the entire Http01 challenge! Might make the lib too hefty, though. Perhaps behind a feature flag?
What do you think?
I'm open to adding a minimal hyper-based HTTP server (guarded by an opt-in Cargo feature), which you could pass a SocketAddr
to listen as well as an &Order
, and which could serve the .well-known
path directly.
Would you be able to work on that?
That sounds absolutely perfect! :D
Edit: whoops, I read: would you be able to work with that. I'm not sure if I can add this feature.
Note that you could also implement a handler in the framework you desire similar to this:
// SomeAppState contains some way of storing String -> KeyAuthorization
// For simplicity just a HashMap at `SomeAppState.acme`
struct SomeAppState {
acme: HashMap<String, KeyAuthorization>,
// handler for /.well-known/acme-challenge/{token}
fn http_get_handler(state: &SomeAppState, token: String) -> Response {
let file_content = state.acme.get("token").map(|auth| auth.as_str())
// Set correct headers and return file_content depending on how your framework solves this.
// Somewhere else where you want to create the new acme challenges:
fn add_well_known(state: &mut SomeAppState, domain: Identifier, account: Account ) {
let (mut order, order_state) = account
.new_order(&NewOrder {
identifiers: &[domain],
let authorizations = order.authorizations(&state.authorizations).await.unwrap();
let mut challenges = Vec::with_capacity(authorizations.len());
for authz in &authorizations {
match authz.status {
AuthorizationStatus::Pending => {}
AuthorizationStatus::Valid => continue,
_ => todo!(),
let challenge = authz
.find(|c| c.r#type == ChallengeType::Http01)
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("no http01 challenge found"))?;
state.acme.insert(challenge.token, order.key_authorization(challenge))
challenges.push((identifier, &challenge.url));
// Let the server know we're ready to accept the challenges.
for (_, url) in &challenges {
Don't forget to clean the map afterward. And don't forget to renew them in time :)
Thanks for the help! I've managed to update my init script, it now uses instant-acme
and supports both Https01
and Dns01
. It persists the cert files / key to disk, and automatically renews if the certs are outdated.
Feel free to use my code as an actix example.
My fork now contains an HTTP example. It's very similar to the provision
example in this repo.
I'm afraid my example isn't actually working correctly. I didn't notice until recently, because my HTTPS cert was still valid.
I'm still trying to find out what's going wrong.
Found it! Two (or three) issues with the example from above:
- The
has to be.refreshed()
in the loop:order.refresh().await.unwrap();
- The
has to break also when it isValid
:OrderStatus::Ready | OrderStatus::Invalid | OrderStatus::Valid
- The
can fail if called immediately, you should put it in a loop:
let cert_chain_pem = loop {
match order.certificate().await {
Ok(Some(cert_chain_pem)) => {
info!("Certificate ready!");
break cert_chain_pem;
Ok(None) => {
if tries > 10 {
return Err("Giving up: certificate is still not ready".into());
tries += 1;
info!("Certificate not ready yet...");
Err(e) => return Err(format!("Error getting certificate {}", e).into()),
Here's my whole setup:
//! Everything required for setting up HTTPS / TLS.
//! Instantiate a server for HTTP-01 check with letsencrypt,
//! checks if certificates are not outdated,
//! persists files on disk.
use crate::errors::AtomicServerResult;
use actix_web::{dev::ServerHandle, App, HttpServer};
use std::{
fs::{self, File},
use tracing::{info, warn};
/// Create RUSTLS server config from certificates in config dir
pub fn get_https_config(
config: &crate::config::Config,
) -> AtomicServerResult<rustls::ServerConfig> {
use rustls_pemfile::{certs, pkcs8_private_keys};
let https_config = rustls::ServerConfig::builder()
// rustls::NoClientAuth::new()
let cert_file =
&mut BufReader::new(File::open(config.cert_path.clone()).expect("No HTTPS TLS key found."));
let key_file =
&mut BufReader::new(File::open(&config.key_path).expect("Could not open config key path"));
let mut cert_chain = Vec::new();
for bytes in certs(cert_file)? {
let certificate = rustls::Certificate(bytes);
let mut keys = pkcs8_private_keys(key_file)?;
if keys.is_empty() {
panic!("No key found. Consider deleting the `.https` directory and restart to create new keys.")
.with_single_cert(cert_chain, rustls::PrivateKey(keys.remove(0)))
.expect("Unable to create HTTPS config from certificates"))
pub fn certs_created_at_path(config: &crate::config::Config) -> PathBuf {
let mut path = config
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
"Cannot open parent dir of HTTPS certs {:?}",
/// Adds a file to the .https folder to indicate age of certificates
fn set_certs_created_at_file(config: &crate::config::Config) {
let now_string = chrono::Utc::now();
let path = certs_created_at_path(config);
fs::write(&path, now_string.to_string())
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Unable to write {:?}", &path));
/// Checks if the certificates need to be renewed.
/// Will be true if there are no certs yet.
pub fn should_renew_certs_check(config: &crate::config::Config) -> AtomicServerResult<bool> {
if std::fs::File::open(&config.cert_path).is_err() {
"No HTTPS certificates found in {:?}, requesting new ones...",
return Ok(true);
let path = certs_created_at_path(config);
let created_at = std::fs::read_to_string(&path)
.map_err(|_| format!("Unable to read {:?}", &path))?
.map_err(|_| format!("failed to parse {:?}", &path))?;
let certs_age: chrono::Duration = chrono::Utc::now() - created_at;
// Let's Encrypt certificates are valid for three months, but I think renewing earlier provides a better UX
let expired = certs_age > chrono::Duration::weeks(4);
if expired {
warn!("HTTPS Certificates expired, requesting new ones...")
// This is where I might need to remove the `.https/` folder, but it seems like it's not necessary
/// Starts an HTTP Actix server for HTTPS certificate initialization
async fn cert_init_server(
config: &crate::config::Config,
challenge: &instant_acme::Challenge,
key_auth: &instant_acme::KeyAuthorization,
) -> AtomicServerResult<ServerHandle> {
let address = format!("{}:{}", config.opts.ip, config.opts.port);
warn!("Server temporarily running in HTTP mode at {}, running Let's Encrypt Certificate initialization...", address);
if config.opts.port != 80 {
"HTTP port is {}, not 80. Should be 80 in most cases during LetsEncrypt setup. If you've correctly forwarded it, you can ignore this warning.",
let mut well_known_folder = config.static_path.clone();
let mut challenge_path = well_known_folder.clone();
// let challenge_file_content = format!("{}.{}", challenge.token, key_auth.as_str());
fs::write(challenge_path, key_auth.as_str())?;
let (tx, rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel();
std::thread::spawn(move || {
actix_web::rt::System::new().block_on(async move {
"Starting HTTP server for HTTPS initialization at {}",
let init_server = HttpServer::new(move || {
actix_files::Files::new("/.well-known", well_known_folder.clone())
let running_server = init_server.bind(&address)?.run();
.expect("Error sending handle during HTTPS init.");
let handle = rx
.map_err(|e| format!("Error receiving handle during HTTPS init. {}", e))?;
let well_known_url = format!(
&config.opts.domain, &challenge.token
// wait for a few secs
info!("Testing availability of {}", &well_known_url);
let agent = ureq::builder()
let resp = agent
// .get("")
.map_err(|e| {
"Unable to test local server. Is it available at the right address? {}",
if resp.status() != 200 {
warn!("Unable to test local server. Status: {}", resp.status());
} else {
info!("Server for HTTP initialization running correctly");
/// Sends a request to LetsEncrypt to create a certificate
pub async fn request_cert(config: &crate::config::Config) -> AtomicServerResult<()> {
use instant_acme::OrderStatus;
let challenge_type = if config.opts.https_dns {
info!("Using DNS-01 challenge");
} else {
info!("Using HTTP-01 challenge");
// Create a new account. This will generate a fresh ECDSA key for you.
// Alternatively, restore an account from serialized credentials by
// using `Account::from_credentials()`.
let lets_encrypt_url = if config.opts.development {
"Using LetsEncrypt staging server, not production. This is for testing purposes only and will not provide a working certificate."
} else {
let email =
"No email set - required for HTTPS certificate initialization with LetsEncrypt",
info!("Creating LetsEncrypt account with email {}", email);
let (account, _creds) = instant_acme::Account::create(
&instant_acme::NewAccount {
contact: &[&format!("mailto:{}", email)],
terms_of_service_agreed: true,
only_return_existing: false,
.map_err(|e| format!("Failed to create account: {}", e))?;
// Create the ACME order based on the given domain names.
// Note that this only needs an `&Account`, so the library will let you
// process multiple orders in parallel for a single account.
let mut domain = config.opts.domain.clone();
if config.opts.https_dns {
// Set a wildcard subdomain. Not possible with Http-01 challenge, only Dns-01.
domain = format!("*.{}", domain);
let identifier = instant_acme::Identifier::Dns(domain);
let mut order = account
.new_order(&instant_acme::NewOrder {
identifiers: &[identifier],
// Pick the desired challenge type and prepare the response.
let authorizations = order.authorizations().await.unwrap();
let mut challenges = Vec::with_capacity(authorizations.len());
// if we have H11p01 challenges, we need to start a server to handle them, and eventually turn that off again
let mut handle: Option<ServerHandle> = None;
for authz in &authorizations {
match authz.status {
instant_acme::AuthorizationStatus::Pending => {}
instant_acme::AuthorizationStatus::Valid => continue,
_ => todo!(),
let challenge = authz
.find(|c| c.r#type == challenge_type)
.ok_or(format!("no {:?} challenge found", challenge_type))?;
let instant_acme::Identifier::Dns(identifier) = &authz.identifier;
let key_auth = order.key_authorization(challenge);
match challenge_type {
instant_acme::ChallengeType::Http01 => {
handle = Some(cert_init_server(config, challenge, &key_auth).await?);
instant_acme::ChallengeType::Dns01 => {
println!("Please set the following DNS record then press any key:");
"_acme-challenge.{} IN TXT {}",
std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut String::new()).unwrap();
instant_acme::ChallengeType::TlsAlpn01 => todo!("TLS-ALPN-01 is not supported"),
challenges.push((identifier, &challenge.url));
// Let the server know we're ready to accept the challenges.
for (a, url) in &challenges {
info!("Setting challenge ready for {} at {}", a, url);
// Exponentially back off until the order becomes ready or invalid.
let mut tries = 1u8;
let mut delay = std::time::Duration::from_millis(250);
let url = authorizations.get(0).expect("Authorizations is empty");
let state = loop {
let state = order.state();
info!("Order state: {:#?}", state);
if let OrderStatus::Ready | OrderStatus::Invalid | OrderStatus::Valid = state.status {
break state;
delay *= 2;
tries += 1;
match tries < 10 {
true => info!("order is not ready, waiting {delay:?}"),
false => {
return Err(format!(
"Giving up: order is not ready. For details, see the url: {url:?}"
if state.status == OrderStatus::Invalid {
return Err(format!("order is invalid, check {url:?}").into());
let mut names = Vec::with_capacity(challenges.len());
for (identifier, _) in challenges {
// If the order is ready, we can provision the certificate.
// Use the rcgen library to create a Certificate Signing Request.
let mut params = rcgen::CertificateParams::new(names.clone());
params.distinguished_name = rcgen::DistinguishedName::new();
let cert = rcgen::Certificate::from_params(params).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
let csr = cert.serialize_request_der().map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
// Finalize the order and print certificate chain, private key and account credentials.
order.finalize(&csr).await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
let mut tries = 1u8;
let cert_chain_pem = loop {
match order.certificate().await {
Ok(Some(cert_chain_pem)) => {
info!("Certificate ready!");
break cert_chain_pem;
Ok(None) => {
if tries > 10 {
return Err("Giving up: certificate is still not ready".into());
tries += 1;
info!("Certificate not ready yet...");
Err(e) => return Err(format!("Error getting certificate {}", e).into()),
write_certs(config, cert_chain_pem, cert)?;
if let Some(hnd) = handle {
warn!("HTTPS TLS Cert init successful! Stopping temporary HTTP server, starting HTTPS...");
fn write_certs(
config: &crate::config::Config,
cert_chain_pem: String,
cert: rcgen::Certificate,
) -> AtomicServerResult<()> {
info!("Writing TLS certificates to {:?}", config.https_path);
fs::write(&config.cert_path, cert_chain_pem)?;
fs::write(&config.key_path, cert.serialize_private_key_pem())?;
@joepio Thanks a lot for sharing!