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Trying to add a vote command
Trying to add a vote command for the players to vote for night/day/rain etc..
Surely it will need to change other parts of the plugin, but It's too compliecate for me. This is just an Idea for vip players! :)
do you say, like cubecraft right?, i think thats idea must be added by every people that want custom their game, because maybe it's unnecessary, regards
Maybe, I can try to add a config line for the owners to let them decide if they want to set the player's time or the global arena time. I think i'll be using setPlayerTime and if the config is set to all players, I will get all the players in the arena and set the time for them individually. I'm a noob coding but I'll try :)
you can try creating first few arraylists with options (sun, night, etc) later, a gui for choose "time" or whatever you want, (use util class), then when player click on menu, add player to the arraylist and when "arenastate = INGAME" then set this with a time event for change time, checking length for every arraylist(i think that this is the easier way to do thats you want)
Great idea! I'll try it! Also, you can help me coding a few things for this great api! Only if you want :)
at this moment, i'm very busy, but comment here if u have problems with this api
hello Great work ,but I can't find the config.php :/ Regards