
Results 362 comments of inson1

I think it would be good option to have. Ofc in the future.

@Darkempire78 Unicode could be maybe promissing?

@Darkempire78 > I do not really understand when Google converts the result to fraction, it seems weird. 🤔 What do you mean? Maybe option in settings with four options to...

@Darkempire78 Do you know when it converts? What is "interesting"?

@Darkempire78 Maybe we should just add that 4 options and if someone has idea about what is interesting then he can share it. yea I hoped that you had or...

@Darkempire78 That would be 5. option anyway. Maybe we should create discussion about that and this issue should be only about the 4 options.

@th-ch isnt this also too much ram? ![Taskmgr_5sPJwKeWmt](

@th-ch it depends on when, this was the highest, I have seen. What is the normal amount?

ok, its normal amount (Maybe it should be added somewhere?)