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Github Action that generates R Package Validation documentation 🏁


SuperLinter Test This Action

  • thevalidatoR
  • An R Package Validation Report
    • Description
    • Action Type
    • Author
    • Inputs
    • Outputs
    • How to use
      • Quickstart
      • V1.0 Examples
        • rbmi
        • admiral

R Package Validation Report


A Github Action that generates a validation report for an R package. The four main steps are:

  • Run R CMD check (check installation)
  • Run covr::package_coverage() (check unit test coverage)
  • Run covtracer (link documentation to unit tests)
  • Place results into report
  • Attach report as object to release

Action Type





  • report_pkg_dir:

    Description: Path to package's root.

    Required: false

    Default: .

  • report_template_path:

    Description: File path of the R markdown template to use for the report. The default template is available here.

    Required: false

    Default: ./template.qmd

  • no_cache:

    Description: Disable github action R dependency caching

    Required: false

    Default: false

  • cache_version:

    Description: Version of the cache. To clean cache bump this version.

    Required: false

    Default: v1

  • disable_install_dev_deps:

    Description: Disable installation of dev dependencies while building the report.

    Required: false

    Default: false



How to use

To use this GitHub Action you will need to complete the following:

  • Create a new file in your repository called .github/workflows/r-pkg-validation.yml
  • Copy the template over (and edit if you wish to modify it)


In your repository you should have a .github/workflows/validatoR.yml file with GitHub Action similar to below:

name: R Package Validation report

on: # Run this action when a release is published
    types: [published]

    name: Create report 📃
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      image: rocker/verse:4.1.1
    # Set Github token permissions
      GITHUB_PAT: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      contents: write
      packages: write
      deployments: write
      - name: Checkout repo 🛎
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Build report 🏗
        id: validation
        uses: insightsengineering/thevalidatoR@main
        # see parameters above for custom templates and other formats

      # Upload the validation report to the release
      - name: Upload report to release 🔼
        if: success()
        uses: svenstaro/upload-release-action@v2
          file: ${{ steps.validation.outputs.report_output_filename }}
          asset_name: ${{ steps.validation.outputs.report_output_filename }}
          repo_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          tag: ${{ github.ref }}
          overwrite: false

V1.0 Examples


You can see an example report from rbmi, using the first version of this gh-action, here.

This was built as a test on a fork of the original rbmi package. When we created a release in that fork, this PDF was automatically built and added to the release as can be seen below.

And you can see the gh-action action that was triggered by the release being published. Note that it must install the package, run tests and construct the metrics needed by cov-tracer and covr, which in the case of rbmi a computationally heavy package - took quite a while!


You can see an example report from admiral, using the first version of this gh-action, here.