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Extensive test for combination of inputs in shinytest2
Feature description
extension to this :https://github.com/insightsengineering/teal.modules.clinical/pull/1135
As an additional feature test with helper functions, we could also add tests to check the combination of inputs for all the encodings. This would be an extensive test, but it would thoroughly check the depth of combination input testing. I am adding an issue for this potential use case and discussion.
# Function to test all combinations of inputs
test_input_combinations <- function(app_driver, input_ids, input_options, pws = NULL, tws = NULL) {
# Create a data frame of all possible combinations of encodings
combinations <- expand.grid(input_options, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(combinations) <- input_ids
# Iterate over each row in the combinations data frame
for (i in seq_len(nrow(combinations))) {
# Determine the type of output to capture based on the input parameters
if (!is.null(pws)) {
output_before <- app_driver$get_active_module_pws_output(pws)
output_type <- "pws"
} else if (!is.null(tws)) {
output_before <- app_driver$get_active_module_tws_output(tws)
output_type <- "tws"
} else {
stop("Either pws or tws must be provided.")
# Set each input and check for errors
for (j in seq_along(input_ids)) {
app_driver$set_active_module_input(input_ids[j], combinations[i, j])
if (output_type == "pws") {
testthat::expect_false(identical(output_before, app_driver$get_active_module_pws_output(pws)))
} else {
testthat::expect_false(identical(output_before, app_driver$get_active_module_tws_output(tws)))
# Example usage
input_ids <- c("input1", "input2", "input3")
input_options <- list(
c("option1_1", "option1_2"), # Input 1 has 2 options
c("option2_1", "option2_2", "option2_3", "option2_4", "option2_5",
"option2_6", "option2_7", "option2_8", "option2_9", "option2_10"), # Input 2 has 10 options
c("option3_1", "option3_2", "option3_3", "option3_4", "option3_5", "option3_6") # Input 3 has 6 options
# Fun call
test_input_combinations(app_driver, input_ids, input_options, "example_pws")
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