rtables copied to clipboard
Comparing Col N between different rtables
which goes into the bigger cross-checking outputs discussion
col_N_for_tbls <- function(...) {
tbls <- list(...)
if (is.null(names(tbl)))
stop("need named arguments")
stopifnot(all(vapply(tbls, is_rtable, logical(1))))
# Get all unique paths
upaths <- unique(unlist(lapply(tbls, col_paths), recursive = FALSE))
N <- matrix(rep(NA_integer_, length(upaths) * length(tbls)), ncol = length(upaths))
for (i_tbl in seq_along(tbls)) {
tbl_i <- tbls[[i_tbl]]
paths_i <- col_paths(tbl_i)
ind <- vapply(paths_i, function(path) {
sel <- vapply(upaths, identical, logical(1), path)
if (sum(sel) < 1) {
stop("path not found": paste(path, collapse = " > "))
} else if (sum(sel) > 1) {
stop("more than one path match", paste(path, collapse = " > "))
} else {
}, numeric(1))
N[i_tbl, ind] <- col_counts(tbl_i)
row.names(N) <- names(tbls)
colnames(N) <- paste("|", vapply(upaths, paste, character(1), collapse = " > "), "|")
list(paths = upaths, N = N)
lyt <- basic_table() |>
split_cols_by("Species", split_fun = add_overall_level()) |>
tbl <- build_table(lyt, iris)
lyt <- basic_table() |>
split_cols_by("Species") |>
tbl2 <- build_table(lyt, iris)
tbl3 <- build_table(lyt, subset(iris, Sepal.Width > 3.1))
col_N_for_tbls(dmt01 = tbl, dmt02 = tbl2, dmt03 = tbl3)
compare_rtables(tbl, tbl2, structure = TRUE)