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Tutorials in Jupyter Notebook for MintPy
MintPy-tutorials contains the documentations for the MintPy repo, mainly in Jupyter Notebook.
Contents (nbviewer)
1. Small baseline time series analysis with
This notebook walks through the various processing steps of InSAR time series analysis using MintPy.
- ARIA + MintPy (Sentinel-1 on San Francisco Bay, California): nbviewer
2. Visualizations
- Interactive time-series with tsview
- Interactive coherence matrix with plot_coherence_matrix
- Interactive transection with plot_transection
- Google Earth doc
3. Read / write data files
- Read HDF5 file in Matlab or Python.
- Save HDF5 file into text file: nbviewer
- Read / plot displacement time-series of one pixel: nbviewer
- Read GMT *.grd file: nbviewer
4. Custom applications
List of examples of how to build customized application using mintpy modules or to build processing recipe using mintpy scripts.
- Create water mask in radar coordinates: nbviewer
- Prepare UAVSAR geometry files with multi-segments for MintPy processing: nbviewer
- Calculate multilook number for InSAR processing with ISCE: nbviewer
- Post-processing of single interferogram after ISCE/stripmapApp: nbviewer
- Geo / radar coordinates conversion: nbviewer
- Plot GPS as quiver on top of InSAR data: nbviewer
- Average velocity estimation demonstration: nbviewer
- Coherence Change Detection: nbviewer
- Mask / estimate / correct phase non-closure related bias: nbviewer
Useful links from external repositories
1. Single interferogram processing with ISCE2
- Sentinel-1 TOPS mode SAR data with topsApp [video]
- StripMap mode SAR data with stripmapApp [video]
2. Stack of interferograms processing with ISCE2 stack processors [video]
- Sentinel-1 TOPS mode SAR data with topsStack
- StripMap mode SAR data with stripmapStack
- ALOS-2 ScanSAR and StripMap mode data with alosStack
3. Manipulate ARIA standard InSAR products with ARIA-tools [video]
- Downloading GUNW products using ariaDownload
- Preparing GUNW products for time series analysis using ariaTSsetup