gcalcli copied to clipboard
multiline description
when I list an event with a multilined description field with the --tsv option I get the following output:
however, when I add a similar event with gcalcli with the same as above in the description field, the line will be put exactly like that in the description.
I would like to be able to add a multilined description in an event. Am I doing something wrong?
kind regards
Jouk Hettema
I have to admit, it's not 100% clear to me what your issue is. Can you provide a sample session to show the issue you're trying to solve?
ok, I will try to explain it better.
when I add a new event to my google calendar via de web interface I can use multi lines in the description field.
When I list this event with gcalcli I see
When I list this event with gcalcli in tsv format I see
When I add an event to my google calendar with gcalcli:
When I lookup this event in de webgui of google calendar it makes one string of the description:
I would like to be able to use multiline descriptions if possible.
I think you just need to use a literal newline in that description instead of an escape sequence:
jcrowgey@tsuga:~$ gcalcli add --when "tomorrow" --allday --duration=1 --color=peacock --title "test event" --description="test1
> test2
> test3"
Location: here
Enter a valid reminder or "." to end: .
0 [email protected]
Specify calendar from above: 0
jcrowgey@tsuga:~$ gcalcli agenda --details=all
Sun Jan 26 test event
Calendar: [email protected]
Link: https://www.google.com/calendar/event?eid=NzRqM2ltcGUyNnE1cjRnc3RtdHJvcWxwdHMgam9zaHVhLmNyb3dnZXlAbQ
Location: here
Length: 1 day, 0:00:00
Email: [email protected]
│ test1 │
│ test2 │
│ test3 │