
Results 27 comments of Insanemal

@lewiji I wish. I've been searching for one.. I've found that forcing OpenGL causes things to be fine, but I guess this is a YMMV situation. Not that I can...

So I've also found the same. If I alt+tab off to anything else, it falls back to Desktop OGL or whatever, and framerates better CPU usage is lower and everything...

Yes this reduces the load. However for some of us with older CPU's this doesn't really buy us much

There is definitely a difference is CPU load. I've got an i7 3930 All the colour space conversion and resize is done on CPU. Removing the resize allows a faster...

Just to add some info, I have no problems getting streams working at over 100Mbit from Linux to an RPi now. The issue was one of configuration on the RPi.

I found my issue. It was my BL-Touch. It was connected incorrectly. I'd try removing things from your board one at a time to see which one is causing the...

OK so something has changed recently. This was all working.... Now when I'm in NVIDIA mode, Steamlink doesn't work with hardware decode, I get a purple corrupted display, and some...