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Easy installer of kocohub dataset


koco is a library to easily access kocohub datasets.
kocohub contains KOrean COrpus for natural language processing.


NOTE: The code is tested on Python 3.6.9

from pypi

pip install koco

from source

git clone https://github.com/inmoonlight/koco
cd koco
pip install .


Using koco is similar to nlp. The main methods are:

  • koco.list_datasets(): list all available datasets and their modes in kocohub
  • koco.load_dataset(dataset_name, mode): load dataset in kocohub with data-specific mode


>>> import koco

>>> koco.list_datasets()
{'korean-hate-speech': ['train_dev', 'unlabeled', 'test'],
 'sae4k': ['train_dev', 'test']}

>>> train_dev = koco.load_dataset('korean-hate-speech', mode='train_dev')
>>> type(train_dev)
>>> train_dev.keys()
dict_keys(['train', 'dev'])
>>> train_dev['train'][33]
{'comments': '2,30대 골빈여자들은 이 기사에 다 모이는건가ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이래서 여자는 투표권 주면 안된다. 엠넷사전투표나 하고 살아야지 계집들은',
 'contain_gender_bias': True,
 'bias': 'gender',
 'hate': 'hate',
 'news_title': '"“8년째 연애 중”…‘인생술집’ 블락비 유권♥전선혜, 4살차 연상연하 커플"'}
 >>> test = koco.load_dataset('korean-hate-speech', mode='test')
 >>> type(test)
 >>> test[33]
 {'comments': '끝낼때도 됐지 요즘같은 분위기엔 성드립 잘못쳤다가 난리. 그동안 잘봤습니다',
 'news_title': '[단독] ‘SNL 코리아’ 공식적인 폐지 확정…아름다운 종료'}

Contributing to kocohub / koco

All Korean datasets with their publications or detailed documentations, bug reports, bug fixes, enhancements and ideas are welcome :tada:
Feel free to ask questions via issues. I recommend to use an adequate label!