inkstitch copied to clipboard
Problems with PDF/Electron
Another problem with the SVG mentioned in issue 2538 came up whithin the PDF export dialog.
It was not possible to select a realistic view.
Sometimes I received a blank screen, sometimes a blank sheet and sometimes weired shit..
PDF Generation worked with InkScape 1.2 and Ink/Stitch 3.0.1 on Fedora linux. What version of InkScape did you use, on what operating system and how was it installed? SwanRealistic.pdf
InkStitch 3.0.1
Since Nvidia abandonded Linux support, Ubuntu does not work any more.
Last system working well: Linux Mint 20.3
Linux Mint 21.0 did not upgrade, did not install Linux Mint 21.1 did not install Linux Mint 21.2 did install but problems with VLC and Firefox and some other stuff
Linux Mint 20.3 too old for Inkscape 1.1 / Inkstitch 3.0
Processor has lasted a long time: Maybe check for other graphics card drivers. Noveau may work for you
Other graphiccard? IT's a notebook! The problem is: there are two cards, onboard and dedicated. No other card possible! Noveau is installed,of course!
You might also consider a distribution that will work well with older hardware such as Trisquel
Closing as electron won't be a part of the next release anymore.