cordova-plugin-themeablebrowser copied to clipboard
How to replace UIWebview into Wkwebview
Is there a solution for this?
Is there a solution for this?
Is there a solution for this , getting themeable browser to use the wkwebview?
he following build commands failed: ``` ../platforms/ios/MyPad/Plugins/cordova-plugin-themeablebrowser/CDVThemeableBrowser.m normal x86_64 objective-c (1 failure) ``unknown type name 'CDVUIWebViewDelegate'
This is the error that am getting when doing a build with themeablebrowser plugin installed for ios after updating to wkWebView
Add 1 line to config.xml:
<platform name="ios">
<preference name="WKWebViewOnly" value="true" /> // <--- this line
We already implemented that in our config.xml.The problem is when we have the themeable browser added to plugins , the build faills with "`unknown type name 'CDVUIWebViewDelegate' since the themeablebrowser has not been updated to use WkWebView. The question is, How can we update the themeable browser to use WkWebView instead of UIWebView, or which other implementation of showing a browser window with custom buttons i.e with listeners to dropdown custom menu?
@chegewara @anthonnyc2 @alphagamer7 @rigorin we have fixed the problem... @Moseskhan will share the results... hope it helps... thanks to @Appswage ... from Upwork!!! ... ....
To get this working we edited files in plugins/cordova-plugin-themeable/src/ios i.e the CDVThemeablebrowser.h and CDVThemeablebrowser.m .
Replace the files with the attached files.
Thanks for sharing :)
The updates was specific and surgical to force WKNavigationDelegate to fire when a page is loaded and for the current URL to be captured. Other delegates still require implementation if needed. Please also note that UIWebView delegation will no longer work so the specific fix found in the files attached above are directed at WKWebView users only.
Thanks for sharing the solution it will surely help.
@Moseskhan thanks for sharing the code. But I have an issue, it seems like the URL is not getting update correctly. I have some listeners when 'loadstart' and 'loadstop', so I track the URL and is returning some weird values. Where can I check/fix that?
Thank you for sharing the source code. I have made the following modifications and additions to the source code I received. ・Merging changes made with a fork ・Added option to enable swipe back / forward history.(iOS only) ・Fixed a bug that is not displayed in full screen. ・Fixed a bug that the link of new window cannot be displayed. ・Fixed a bug that loadstart,message event does not work. ・Fixed a bug that enableviewportscale and mediaplaybackrequiresuseraction properties do not work.
Not fully tested, but if you are interested please see my fork.
@NohohonNohon thanks for sharing code but this plugin is not working with cordova ios 6.1.0 can u please help
Can anyone help on this plugin please I am using cordova 6.1.0. Having issues with user agent
@chaitanyagupta76 I fixed it to work with cordova-ios >6.0.0 on my fork.
@chaitanyagupta76 -same issue, got any solution?