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A very lightweight and fast speed PHP request router. 非常快速且轻量的请求匹配路由器。无依赖、简洁、自定义性强,查找匹配速度快

Results 4 php-sroute issues
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现有的params匹配格式是{var},能自定义就好了,如: :var , \

help wanted

在不添加任何路由的情况下,提供两个参数(地址/路径,规则)直接进行匹配:如: $router->match(url,rule); or $router->match(path,rule);

help wanted

$router->group('/grp', function (Router $r) use (&$r1) { $r1 = $r->get('/path', 'h0')->push('func2'); }, ['func3', 'func4'], ['n1' => 'v1']); 例如func3,传进去的是字符串吗,在哪里注册的


``` // Not in group if (!$this->currentGroupPrefix) { return; } ``` middleware,use 在路由中都不生效 只有在group里的单个路由才生效 ``` // Prepend group middleware at before. if ($this->currentGroupChains) { $route->setChains(array_merge($this->currentGroupChains, $route->getChains())); } ``` 数组合并是不是用问题,不知道设计是几维数组,middleware 都是一维数组嘛??...