uncode icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
uncode copied to clipboard

Uncode is a conceptual IDE designed for the cloud development, also a cloud-native low-code software development enviorment. Uncode 是一个面向云研发时代设计的下一代概念性 IDE。

Uncode CDE(云研发体系开发环境)

Uncode is a conceptual IDE designed for the cloud development. Features:

  • Process as DSL
  • Everything as code, code as file.
  • IDE define process.

In this IDE, you can: manage Story, Story to Design (Architecture + UI), Design to Code, Code connect to Design, Zen Coding, development as Production.

(Chinese Introduction)

Uncode 是一个面向云研发时代设计的下一代概念性 IDE。特性:

  • 流程化为领域语言。Process as code
  • 一切皆文件。万物代码化
  • 开发环境即流程。

简单来说,你可以在这个 IDE 上完成:需求的编写,转换需求为设计,设计关联代码,禅模式编程,开发完即可上线。



Uncode Architecture






  • MVP 0.1
    • [x] kanban in Uncode
    • [x] design in Uncode
    • [x] coding in Uncode
  • Milestone Workflow
    • [ ] UI designer
    • [ ] code generator
    • [ ] online UML to code
    • [ ] git history for story
  • Milestone 1.0
    • [ ] kanban to coding
    • [ ] zen coding
    • [ ] story to Code
    • [ ] UI as Code

Tech todo

  • [ ] RPC for uncode <-> src-tauri
  • [ ] language identify


  1. rustc 1.52+


  1. run yarn in root direction and uncode-ui
  2. run yarn dev in root project

Something about arm64

if your OS based arm64,when you have some trouble with yarn global add @tauri-apps/cli,you also can use cargo cli to run and build this app,look this:

  1. run cargo install tauri-cli --version ^1.0.0-beta and cargo tauri --version
  2. run yarn start in uncode-ui
  3. run cargo tauri devin root project


Design Principles


@ 2020~2021 This code is distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE in this directory.