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cudaKDTree - A Library for Building and Querying Left-Balanced (point-)k-d Trees in CUDA
This repository contains a set of CUDA based routines for efficiently building and performing queries in k-d trees. It supports building over many different (customizable) input data types, and allows for buildling on both host and device. For device-side builds we support three different builders, with different performance/temporary-memory use trade-offs:
Builder variants "cheat sheet"
- temporary memory overhead for N points: N ints + order 2N points
(ie, total mem order 3x that of input data!)
- perf 100K float3s (4090) : ~4ms
- perf 1M float3s (4090) : ~20ms
- perf 10M float3s (4090) : ~200ms
- temporary memory overhead for N points: N ints
(ie, ca 30% mem overhead for float3)
- perf 100K float3s (4090) : ~10ms
- perf 1M float3s (4090) : ~27ms
- perf 10M float3s (4090) : ~390ms
- temporary memory overhead for N points: nada, nil, zilch.
- perf 100K float3s (4090) : ~10ms
- perf 1M float3s (4090) : ~220ms
- perf 10M float3s (4090) : ~4.3s
K-d trees are versatile data structures for organizing (and then performing queries in) data sets of k-dimensional point data. K-d trees can come in many forms, including "spatial" k-d trees where split planes can be at arbitrary locations; and the more commonly "Bentley-"k-d trees, where all split planes have to pass through a corresponding data point. The reason Bentley-style k-d trees are so useful is that when built in a "left-balance and complete" form they can be stored very compactly, by simply re-arranding the data points, and without any additional memory for storing pointers or other admin data.
This library is intended to help with efficiently building and traversing such trees. In particular, it supports:
both GPU- and host-side k-d tree construction
support for both spatial k-d trees and Bentley-style (balanced) k-d trees
support for very general types of data, including both point-only and point-plus-payload data
support for what Samet calls "optimized" trees where each split plane's split dimension is chosen adaptively based on widest extent of that subtree's domain
different traversal routines for the different types of trees; and in particular, various exemplary queries for
(find closest point) andknn
(k-nearest neighbor) that should be easily adaptable to other types of queries
To make it easier for users to use this library for their own specific
data types we have made an effort to template all build- and traversal
routines in a way that they can be used on pretty much any type of
input data and point/vector types for math. This library has built-in
support for the regular CUDA vector types float2/3/4
and int2/3/4
etc should be easy to add, but hasn't been requested yet);
for those templates should all default automatically, so building
a tree over an array of float3
s is as simple as
#include "cukd/builder.h"
void foo(float3 *data, int numData) {
Once built, a fcp
query could, for example, be done like this:
__global__ void myKernel(...) {
float3 queryPoint = ...;
int IDofClosestDataPoint = cukd::stackBased::fcp(queryPoint,data,numData);
Building Trees
This library makes heavy use of templating to allow users to use pretty much any form of input data, as long as it is properly "described" to the builder through what we call "data traits".
For simple CUDA vector types (e.g., float3), all of templates should
all default to useful values, so building a tree over an array of
s is as simple as
#include "cukd/builder.h"
void foo(float3 *data, int numData) {
A specific builder, such as for example the bitonic-sort based one, one also be chosen directly:
Support for Non-Default Data Types
The templating mechanism of this library will automatically handle
input data for CUDA vector/point data; however, actual data often
comes with additional "payload" data, in arbitrary user-defined
types. To support such data all builders are templated over both the
(the user's actual CUDA/C++ struct for that data), and a
second data_traits
template parameter that describes how to interact with this data.
In particular, to be able to build (and traverse) trees for a given
arbitrary user data struct these data_traits
have to describe:
the logical point/vector type to do math with.
how to get the actual k-dimensional position that this data point is located in
how to get a specific one of the k coordinates of that point
whether or not that
allows for storing and reading a per-node split plane dimension (and if so, how to do that) -
how to read a data point's given k'th coordinate
Note that item '3' - getting a specific coordinate - seems redundant given that the preceding item can already deliver all k coordinates (from which we could then select one), but for efficiency reasons it's useful to have that (most cases one needs only one of the coordiantes, not all k), and I haven't yet found a 'clean' way of having this be declared only optionally, so right now it's required to have this method.
Example: Float3+payload, no explicit split dimension
As an example, let us consider a simple case where the user's data contains a 3D postion, and a one-int-per-data payload, as follows:
struct PointPlusPayload {
float3 position;
int payload;
To properly describe this to this library, one can define the following
matching data_traits
struct PointPlusPayload_traits
: public cukd::default_data_traits<float3>
using point_t = float3;
static inline __device__ __host__
float3 &get_point(PointPlusPayload &data) { return data.position; }
static inline __device__ __host__
float get_coord(const PointPlusPayload &data, int dim)
{ return cukd::get_coord(get_point(data),dim); }
In this example we have subclassed cukd::default_data_traits<float3>
to save us from having to define anything about split planes etc that
we are not using in this simple type.
Using these traits, we can now call our builder on this data by simply passing these traits as second template argument:
void foo(PointPlusPayload *data, int numData) {
</* type of the data: */PointPlusPayload,
/* traits for this data: */PointPlusPayload_traits>
Example 2: Point plus payload, within existing CUDA type
To slightly modify the above example consider an application where the
user also uses 3D float data and a single (float) payload item, but
for performance/alignment reasons wants to store those in a CUDA
vector. If we simply passed a float4
typed array to
, the builder would by default assume this to be 4D float
positions - which would be wrong - but we can once again use traits to
properly define this:
// assume user uses a CUDA float4 in which x,y,z are position,
// and w stores a payload
struct PackedPointPlusPayload_traits
: public cukd::default_data_traits<float3>
using point_t = float3;
static inline __device__ __host__
float3 &get_point(float4 &packedPointAndPayload)
{ return make_float3(packedPointAndPayload.x,....); }
void foo(float4 *packedPointsAndPayloads, int count) {
</* type of user data */float4,
/* how this actually looks like */PackedPointPlusPayload_traits>
Example 3: Trees with Support "arbitrary dimension" splits
In many cases the builder can produce better trees if the split
dimension does not have to be chosen round-robin and can instead be
chosen to always subdivide the given subtree's domain where it is
widest (what Samet calls "optimized" k-d trees). To do this, however,
the builder needs a way of storing which dimension it picked for a
given node (so the traverser can later on retrieve this value and do
the right thing). To do this, the user's data_t
has to have some
bits to store this value, and the corresponding data_traits
has to
describe how the builder and traverser can read and write this data.
As an example, consider the following Photon
data type as it could
be encountere in photon mapping:
struct Photon {
// the actual photon data:
float3 position;
float3 power;
// 3 bytes for quantized normal
uint8_t quantized_normal[3];
// 1 byte for split dimension
uint8_t split_dim;
struct Photon_traits
: /* inherit scalar_t and num dims from float3 */
public default_point_traits<float3>
enum { has_explicit_dim = true };
static inline __device__ __host__
float3 &get_point(Photon &photon)
{ return photon.position; }
static inline __device__ int get_dim(const Photon &p)
{ return p.split_dim }
static inline __device__ void set_dim(Photon &p, int dim)
{ p.split_dim = dim; }
Support for Non-Default Point/Vector Types
The main goal of using templates in this library is to allow
users to support their own data types; preferably this is done by
using the data_traits
as described above, and using CUDA vector
types for the actual point/vector math. E.g., a user could use
an arbitrary class Photon
, but still use the builtin float3
type for the actual positions.
It is in fact possible to use one's own vector/point types with this
library (by defining some suitable points_traits<>
and there are some examples and test cases that do this. However,
this functionality should only be used by users that are quite
comfortable with templating; we strongly suggest to only customize
the data_t
and data_traits
, and use float3
etc for point types
where possible.
Querying Trees
Whereas building a tree over a given set of data points is very
well-defined operation, querying is not---different users want
different queries (fcp, knn, sdf, etcpp), often with different
variants (different cut-off radius, different k for knn, vaious
short-cuts or approximations, etc). For that reason we few the two
queries that come with this library---fcp
for find-closest-point and
for k-nearest-neighbors---more sa samples of how to write
other queries.
Throughout those query routines we use the same data_traits
templating mechanism as above, allowing the query routines to properly
interpret the data they are operating on. We provide several diferent
query routines, including the "default" stack-based k-d tree
traversal, as well as a stack-free variant, and one that is closer to
Bentley's original "ball-overlaps-domain" variant (which we call
closest-corner-tracking, or cct
for short) that is often much(!)
better for higher-dimensional and/or highly clustered data.
Stack-Free Traversal and Querying
This repo also contains both a stack-based and a stack-free traversal code for doing "shrinking-radius range-queries" (i.e., radius range queries where the radius can shrink during traversal). This traversal code is used in two examples: fcp (for find-closest-point) and knn (for k-nearest neighbors).
For the fcp example, you can, for example (assuming that points[]
and numPoints
describe a balanced k-d tree that was built as described
above), be done as such
__global__ void myKernel(float3 *points, int numPoints, ... ) {
float3 queryPoint = ...;
int idOfClosestPoint
= cukd::stackBased::fcp(queryPoint,points,numPoints)
Similarly, a knn query for k=4 elements can be done via
cukd::FixedCandidateList<4> closest(maxRadius);
float sqrDistOfFurthestOneInClosest
= cukd::stackBased::knn(closest,queryPoint,points,numPoints));
... or for a large number of, for example, k=50 via
cukd::HeapCandidateList<50> closest(maxRadius);
float sqrDistOfFurthestOneInClosest
= cukd::stackBased::knn(closest,queryPoint,points,numPoints));
As shown in the last two examples, the knn
code can be templated
over a "container" used for storing the k-nearest points. One such
container provided by this library is the FixedCandidateList
, which
implements a linear, sorted priority queue in which insertion cost is
linear in the number of elements stored in the list, but where all
list elements should end up in registers, without having to go to
gmem; use this for small k
s. Alternatively, the HeapCandidateList
organizes the closest k in a heap that has O(log k) insertion cost (vs
O(k) for the fixed one), but which gets register-indirectly accessed
and will thus generate some gmem traffic; use this for larger k where
the savings from the O(log k) will actually pay off. Also note that in
the fixed list all k elements will always be stored in ascending
order, in the heap list this is not the case.
For some query routines it is required to also pass a
that contains the world-space bounding box of
the data. All builders provide a means of computing this "on the fly"
during building; all that has to be done is to provide a pointer to
writeable memory where the builder can store this:
cukd::box_t<float3> *d_boundingBox;