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GitHub Action for Infracost. Shows cloud cost estimates for Terraform in pull requests.

Old Infracost GitHub Action

Deprecation notice

👉 Use our new improved actions repo instead! 👈

⚠️ This repo will be deprecated in the next Infracost release. Follow our migration guide for more details. ⚠️

This GitHub Action runs Infracost against pull requests whenever Terraform files change. It automatically adds a pull request comment showing the cost estimate difference for the planned state. See this repo for a demo.

The Action uses the latest version of Infracost by default as we regularly add support for more cloud resources. If you run into any issues, please join our community Slack channel; we'd be happy to guide you through it.

As mentioned in our FAQ, no cloud credentials or secrets are sent to the Cloud Pricing API. Infracost does not make any changes to your Terraform state or cloud resources.

Example screenshot

Table of Contents

  • Usage methods
    • Terraform directory
    • Terraform plan JSON
  • Inputs
  • Environment variables
  • Outputs
  • Contributing

Usage methods

Assuming you have downloaded Infracost and ran infracost auth login to get an API key, there are two methods of using the Infracost GitHub Action:

  1. Terraform directory, this is the simplest method. However, we recommend the second method if you run into issues relating to terraform init or terraform plan.

  2. Terraform plan JSON, this uses the setup-terraform GitHub Action to first generate a plan JSON file then passes that to the Infracost GitHub Action using the path input.

1. Terraform directory

  1. Add repo secrets for INFRACOST_API_KEY and any other required credentials to your GitHub repo (e.g. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID).

  2. Create a new file in .github/workflows/infracost.yml in your repo with the following content. Use the Inputs and Environment Variables section below to decide which env and with options work for your Terraform setup. The following example uses path to specify the location of the Terraform directory and terraform_plan_flags to specify the variables file to use when running terraform plan. The GitHub Actions docs describe other options for on, though pull_request is probably what you want.

    - '**.tf'
    - '**.tfvars'
    - '**.tfvars.json'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Show infracost diff
    - name: Check out repository
      uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Run infracost diff
      uses: infracost/infracost-gh-action@master # Use a specific version instead of master if locking is preferred
        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # Do not change
        # See the cloud credentials section for the options
        path: path/to/code
        terraform_plan_flags: -var-file=my.tfvars
  1. Send a new pull request to change something in Terraform that costs money; a comment should be posted on the pull request. Check the GitHub Actions logs and this page if there are issues.

2. Terraform plan JSON

  1. Add repo secrets for INFRACOST_API_KEY.

  2. Create a new file in .github/workflows/infracost.yml in your repo with the following content. Update path/to/code to point to your Terraform directory. Also customize the Terraform init/plan steps, and use the Inputs and Environment Variables section below as required.

    - '**.tf'
    - '**.tfvars'
    - '**.tfvars.json'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Show infracost diff
    - name: Check out repository
      uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - name: "Install terraform"
      uses: hashicorp/setup-terraform@v1

    - name: "Terraform init"
      id: init
      run: terraform init
      working-directory: path/to/code

    - name: "Terraform plan"
      id: plan
      run: terraform plan -out plan.tfplan
      working-directory: path/to/code

    - name: "Terraform show"
      id: show
      run: terraform show -json plan.tfplan
      working-directory: path/to/code
    - name: "Save Plan JSON"
      run: echo '${{ }}' > plan.json # Do not change

    - name: Run infracost diff
      uses: infracost/infracost-gh-action@master # Use a specific version instead of master if locking is preferred
        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        path: plan.json # Do not change as this file is generated above
  1. Send a new pull request to change something in Terraform that costs money; a comment should be posted on the pull request. Check the GitHub Actions logs and this page if there are issues.



Optional Path to the Terraform directory or JSON/plan file. Either path or config_file is required.


Optional Flags to pass to the 'terraform plan' command, e.g. "-var-file=my.tfvars -var-file=other.tfvars". Applicable when path is a Terraform directory.


Optional The Terraform workspace to use. Applicable when path is a Terraform directory. Only set this for multi-workspace deployments, otherwise it might result in the Terraform error "workspaces not supported".


Optional Path to Infracost usage file that specifies values for usage-based resources, see this example file for the available options.


Optional If your repo has multiple Terraform projects or workspaces, define them in a config file and set this input to its path. Their results will be combined into the same diff output. Cannot be used with path, terraform_plan_flags or usage_file inputs.


Optional Show unsupported resources, at the bottom of the Infracost output (default is false).


Optional A JSON string describing the condition that triggers pull request comments, can be one of these:

  • '{"update": true}': we suggest you start with this option. When a commit results in a change in cost estimates vs earlier commits, the integration will create or update a PR comment (not commit comments). The GitHub comments UI can be used to see when/what was changed in the comment. PR followers will only be notified on the comment create (not update), and the comment will stay at the same location in the comment history. This is the default behavior for GitHub, please let us know if you'd like to see this for GitLab and BitBucket.
  • '{"has_diff": true}': a commit comment is put on the first commit with a Terraform change (i.e. there is a diff) and on every subsequent commit (regardless of whether or not there is a Terraform change in the particular commit). This is the current default for GitLab, BitBucket and Azure Repos (git).
  • '{"always": true}': a commit comment is put on every commit.
  • '{"percentage_threshold": 0}': absolute percentage threshold that triggers a comment. For example, set to 1 to post a comment if the cost estimate changes by more than plus or minus 1%. A commit comment is put on every commit with a Terraform change that results in a cost diff that is bigger than the threshold.

Please use this GitHub discussion to tell us what you'd like to see in PR comments.

sync_usage_file (experimental)

Optional If set to true this will create or update the usage file with missing resources, either using zero values or pulling data from AWS CloudWatch. For more information see the Infracost docs here. You must also specify the usage_file input if this is set to true.

Environment variables

This section describes the main environment variables that can be used in this GitHub Action. Other supported environment variables are described in the this page. Repo secrets can be used for sensitive environment values.

Terragrunt users should also read this page. Terraform Cloud/Enterprise users should also read this page.


Required To get an API key download Infracost and run infracost auth login.


Required GitHub token used to post comments, should be set to ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} to use the default GitHub token available to actions (see example in the Usage section).

Cloud credentials

Required You do not need to set cloud credentials if you use Terraform Cloud/Enterprise's remote execution mode, instead you should follow this page.

For all other users, the following is needed so Terraform can run init:

  • Azure users should read this section to see which environment variables work for their use-case.
  • AWS users should set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, or read this section of the Terraform docs for other options.
  • GCP users should set GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS, or read this section of the Terraform docs for other options.

Multiple AWS credentials

If your Terraform project uses multiple AWS credentials you can create separate secrets for the different AWS credentials and configure it in your GitHub action using the Infracost config file like below.


version: 0.1
  - path: myproject/dev
  - path: myproject/prod


    - '**.tf'
    - '**.tfvars'
    - '**.tfvars.json'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Show infracost diff
    - name: Check out repository
      uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - name: Run infracost diff
      uses: infracost/infracost-gh-action@master
        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        config_file: infracost.yml


Optional Used to change the path to the terraform binary or version, see this page for the available options.


Optional If you're using Terraform modules from private Git repositories you can set this environment variable to your private Git SSH key so Terraform can access your module.


Optional Set this to also post the pull request comment to a Slack Webhook, which should post it in the corresponding Slack channel.



The new total monthly cost estimate.


The past total monthly cost estimate.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


Apache License 2.0