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common logic interchange format expression
From [email protected] on September 12, 2011 06:31:26
== Please indicate the label for the new term ==
common logic interchange format expression
Or perhaps: CLIF definition
== Please provide a textual definition ==
"A definition in syntactically correct common logic interchange format."
Definition reference:
Delugach, H. (2007) ISO/IEC 24707:2007: Common Logic (CL)--A Framework for a Family of Logic-Based Languages. ISO Standards - JTC1 Information technology. International Organisation for Standardisation.
== Please add an example of usage for that term ==
label: fasciculates_with
common logic interchange format definition: "(forall (?x ?y)
(fasciculates_with ?x ?y)
(exists (?nps ?npbs)
("neuron ; CL_0000540" ?x)
("neuron projection bundle ; CARO_0001001" ?y)
("neuron projection segment ; CARO_0001502" ?nps)
("neuron projection bundle segment ; CARO_0001500' " ?npbs)
(part_of ?npbs ?y)
(part_of ?nps ?x)
(part_of ?nps ?npbs)
(forall (?npbss)
("neuron projection bundle subsegment ; CARO_0001501" ?npbss)
(part_of ?npbss ?npbs)
(overlaps ?nps ?npbss)
== Please provide any additional information below. (e.g., proposed position in the IAO hierarchy) ==
Position in hierarchy should be same 'first order logic definition' under ontology metadata.
Original issue: http://code.google.com/p/information-artifact-ontology/issues/detail?id=120