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Hermes needs to detect websocket pull message timeout
Summary of Bug
Hermes needs to detect websocket pull message timeout In some scenarios, hermes cannot receive the data pushed by the server, and there are no errors related to websocket
detect timeout in tokio_select
fn run_loop(&mut self) -> Next {
// Take ownership of the subscriptions
let subscriptions =
core::mem::replace(&mut self.subscriptions, Box::new(futures::stream::empty()));
// Convert the stream of RPC events into a stream of event batches.
let batches = stream_batches(subscriptions, self.chain_id.clone());
// Needed to be able to poll the stream
// Work around double borrow
let rt = self.rt.clone();
loop {
if let Ok(cmd) = self.rx_cmd.try_recv() {
match cmd {
MonitorCmd::Shutdown => return Next::Abort,
MonitorCmd::Subscribe(tx) => {
if let Err(e) = tx.send(self.event_bus.subscribe()) {
error!("failed to send back subscription: {e}");
let result = rt.block_on(async {
tokio::select! {
Some(batch) = => batch,
Some(e) = self.rx_err.recv() => Err(Error::web_socket_driver(e)),
// Select timout
_ = tokio::time::sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_secs(1)) => Err(Error::channel_recv_time_out())
all version
Steps to Reproduce
Acceptance Criteria
For Admin Use
- [ ] Not duplicate issue
- [ ] Appropriate labels applied
- [ ] Appropriate milestone (priority) applied
- [ ] Appropriate contributors tagged
- [ ] Contributor assigned/self-assigned