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Field filters - width issue for dropdown
Describe the bug The width of the filter options should be similar to the field width. Please refer attached image for more details.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Go to (https://stackblitz.com/edit/ids-quick-start-1681-yvg79h?file=src%2Fapp%2Ffield-filters%2Ffield-filters.component.html)
- Click on 'Click on filters option for dropdown'
- See error
Expected behavior The width of the filter options should be similar to the field width
- ids-enterprise: [e.g. v4.9.0 or v4.10.0]
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
- Infor Application/Team Name: [Infor GRC]
- Device: (if applicable) [e.g. iPhone 6 or Samsung Galaxy S6]
- OS Version: [e.g. Windows 10 or iOS 8]
- Browser Name: [e.g. chrome, safari, stock browser]
- Browser Version: [e.g. 22, 66.0.3359.181 (Official Build) (64-bit)]
Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.
@dhumalkishor to "fix" this change class="input-mm" to
We only support one size right now for these. If that works?