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Tree: Component Enhancements
Infor PIM has requested an enhancement to the tree component on IDS: https://design.infor.com/code/ids-enterprise/latest/tree
Inline naming when creating a new node | Inline command buttons for each node |
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Latest Designs: https://www.figma.com/file/44Wt91O8Dk20lSJsX1tndu/(IDS-110)-Tree-component-enhancements
IDS design team will review the enhancement request and provide specs for development.
This is a component (on the older side) that has a few ways to do this either with buttons or a context menu https://www.jstree.com/demo/ just for having one example of the general functionality
Looking at this issue and discussing with a team. In the past we had suggest the actions appear on a top level toolbar or in a context menu.
Since we will have multiple designs for the same pattern if we do actions inline then we need to document when to do either. https://master-enterprise.demo.design.infor.com/components/tree/example-context-menu.html
https://master-enterprise.demo.design.infor.com/components/tree/test-expand-collapse-with-splitter.html (imagine a plus and delete on the top toolbar i can't find the example).
TLDR: I think we need a general “Tree editing (add/remove nodes /inline edit / build a tree). Bigger pattern maybe. Make sure we are happy with a design for all this. And then it would be a feature add to Enterprise and Enterprise NG after.
Handover document (request access). https://inforonline.sharepoint.com/:b:/r/sites/RhythmPIM/Shared%20Documents/Rhythm%20PIM/Designs/Navigation/200129_RhythmPIM_Navigation_HandoffDocument-CO.pdf?csf=1&e=toaqqB
This is still open?
Not sure if this one is still needed by the PIM team. I dont see any contacts here. But as far as i recall we did not get a design and we didnt make anything like this. Suggest we just close this if no one responds as i cant seem to get into the docs and details anymore
As per my knowledge, it is needed as per H&L design. I can send you the dowloaded copy of design document on your email. cc @karin.thulin
Got it. Is there some reason i can't include the file here? @kevinwhitedesign looks like this has a manilla design that just needs some vetting before we add it as a possible future feature.
Seems the ask is around inline editing in the tree
Is this to rename a tree item?
@katieinfor needs a ticket
Yes, But for all CRUD operations in a tree.
- update
- delete
- move
- add
Hi Tim,
Any timeline for this issue to get fix?
Regards, Kishor
I'll review with design and discuss in sprint planning. This one is a lot of work
@kevinwhitedesign sorry for the delay! the Jira ticket is: https://jira.infor.com/browse/UXD-2605
Hi Tim,
Can you please update when we can expect fix for this JT.
Regards, Kishor
Will bring this up for discussion next sprint planning. This might additional require design work.
@tmcconechy @dhumalkishor design started reviewing / working on this again.
cc @inforandy
let's make sure we check this one for the June Enterprise grooming @tmcconechy; can we scope for delivery by the enterprise team or will it require additional support from you or someone else.
When we add this it will be done on https://github.com/infor-design/enterprise-wc/issues/837 so please watch this issue