cordova-polymer-template icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
cordova-polymer-template copied to clipboard

a cordova polymer app with common functionality

Generic Cordova Polymer Application

This is a generic app framework with polymer ui elements that can run as a standalone webpage, an android app, or an ios app.

A Demo Polymer App running in Grunt A Demo Polymer App running on IOS A Demo Polymer App running on Android


This demo provides basic application scaffolding using polymer.

In addition to

How to use this repo

  1. Clone this repo and delete the .git directory
  2. Update the application name in bower.json and package.json
  3. Follow the steps below to get the boilerplate app working.

First time Setup

Setting up tools

  1. run npm install -g yo to install yo, grunt-cli and bower
  2. run npm install -g cordova to install the cordova mobile utility
  3. run export PATH=/usr/local/share/npm/bin:$PATH to ensure command line access to modules.

Setting up the repo after cloning for the first time

  1. run npm install to initialize node modules
  2. run bower install to initialize bower dependencies
  3. run grunt build to build the "dist" directory
  4. run grunt cordova to build the cordova directory

Copying settings to android and ios app

Run this the first time, and any time after you make modifications to the app directory.

  1. run grunt cordova to initialize the platforms directory with ios and android applications

Standalone web app

Running the web application

  1. grunt serve --platform=ios


Running the android app

The android app can be run in an emulator, which can be installed with brew

  1. run brew install android to install the android toolkig
  2. run android to download packages and set up an avd device.

To run the android on an emulator or connected device

  1. Attach an android device in debug mode, or run the android avd emulator.
  2. if you are running on a connected device you can verify first with adb devices
  3. cd cordova
  4. run cordova run android

Debugging the android app



Running the ios app

The ios app can be run in an emulator, which can be installed via xcode. It can only be installed on devices with a valid provisioning profile, which requires a paid apple developer account.

To run on a emulator

  1. cd cordova
  2. run cordova emulate ios

To run on a connected device (requires provisioning)

  1. run cordova run ios

Debugging the ios app

  1. Run Xcode
  2. Open ./platforms/ios/*.xcodeproj
  3. Click Run

Debugging the ios app in safari

  1. At the command line run defaults write IncludeDebugMenu 1 (you only need to do this once)
  2. Launch the app in the emulator
  3. Launch safari
  4. Connect to the Iphone Simulator in the Develop menu

Extending the application

adding new javascript dependencies

  1. Find a module with bower search <search term>
  2. Install it and save it to your bower.json file with bower install <javascript module> --save

File documentation

Project files

  • This file
  • bower.json A list of all json dependencies. Do not modify directly.
    Add new dependencies with bower install <dependency name> --save
  • app/ All of the actual content of the app is contained in this directory

Files not kept in version control

  • dist/* Stores the intermediate minified and cleaned files before they are compiled to cordova
  • cordova/* Stores the generated cordova applications for ios and android
  • node_modules/* These files are generaetd by npm install
  • app/bower_components/* These files are generated by bower install