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match "color:" slack webhook value to Mantis status colour

Open RedSpid3r opened this issue 7 years ago • 4 comments

Is it possible to have the "color":"#" option in the Slack webhook be dynamic and reflect the colours from the config file so that if a status is changed the corresponding slack post matches

RedSpid3r avatar Feb 03 '17 20:02 RedSpid3r

Good idea! Will implement time permitting, and feel free to submit a PR as well.

infojunkie avatar Feb 04 '17 17:02 infojunkie

Hello, I've matched the sclack color with status color in my fork. I'm not sure that I used the most efficient way to do so but you can use it to improve the plugin if you want

AmauryBs avatar Jul 10 '19 08:07 AmauryBs

Thanks! Can you point to your code for review? Also, I'm out on vacation for 3 weeks so I'll be slow to respond.

infojunkie avatar Jul 10 '19 10:07 infojunkie

Here is my code: (I also made a pull request). I wish you nice vacations =)

AmauryBs avatar Jul 19 '19 07:07 AmauryBs