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New tool for generating artificial load on InfluxDB

This repository has been archived and is no longer maintained. Please see the inch benchmarking tool instead.

Stress tool

Build Instructions

Building influx-stress requires the Golang toolchain. If you do not have the Golang toolchain installed please follow the instructions

go get -v

Top Level Command

Create artificial load on an InfluxDB instance

  influx-stress [command]

  Available Commands:
    insert      Insert data into InfluxDB

      -h, --help   help for influx-stress

      Use "influx-stress [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Insert Subcommand

Insert data into InfluxDB

  influx-stress insert SERIES FIELDS [flags]

  -b, --batch-size uint      number of points in a batch (default 10000)
  -c, --consistency string   Write consistency (only applicable to clusters) (default "one")
      --create string        Use a custom create database command
      --db string            Database that will be written to (default "stress")
      --dump string          Dump to given file instead of writing over HTTP
  -f, --fast                 Run as fast as possible
      --gzip int             If non-zero, gzip write bodies with given compression level. 1=best speed, 9=best compression, -1=gzip default.
      --host string          Address of InfluxDB instance (default "http://localhost:8086")
      --pass string          Password for user
  -n, --points uint          number of points that will be written (default 18446744073709551615)
      --pps uint             Points Per Second (default 200000)
  -p, --precision string     Resolution of data being written (default "n")
  -q, --quiet                Only print the write throughput
      --rp string            Retention Policy that will be written to
  -r, --runtime duration     Total time that the test will run (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
  -s, --series int           number of series that will be written (default 100000)
      --strict               Strict mode will exit as soon as an error or unexpected status is encountered
      --user string          User to write data as

Example Usage

Runs forever

$ influx-stress insert

Runs forever writing as fast as possible

$ influx-stress insert -f

Runs for 1 minute writing as fast as possible

$ influx-stress insert -r 1m -f

Writing an example series key

$ influx-stress insert cpu,host=server,location=us-west,id=myid

Writing an example series key with 20,000 series

$ influx-stress insert -s 20000 cpu,host=server,location=us-west,id=myid

Writing an example point

$ influx-stress insert cpu,host=server,location=us-west,id=myid busy=100,idle=10,random=5i