jpegxl-rs icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
jpegxl-rs copied to clipboard


Documentation CI Coverage Status License: GPL-3.0-or-later

A safe JPEGXL wrapper over libjxl library. Check out the original library and the bindings.


If you wish to specify a custom library path, set DEP_JXL_LIB environment variable.

Building libjxl and statically linking can be enabled by using vendored feature. You can provide the source code with all third-party dependencies by DEP_JXL_PATH, or it would fetch the code by git.

If you don't want to depend on C++ standard library, disable feature threads.


Currently, u8, u16 and f32(partial) are supported as pixel types. u32 is in the header but not implemented.

Note: f32 with alpha channel is not supported in encoder.


let mut decoder = decoder_builder().build()?;

// Multi-threading
use jpegxl_rs::ThreadsRunner;
let runner = ThreadsRunner::default();
let mut decoder = decoder_builder()

// Customize pixel format
let mut decoder = decoder_builder()


// You can change the settings after initialization
decoder.num_channels = 1;
decoder.endianness = Endianness::Native;


use image::io::Reader as ImageReader;
let sample = ImageReader::open("../samples/sample.png")?.decode()?.to_rgba16();
let mut encoder = encoder_builder().build()?;
let buffer: EncoderResult<f32> = encoder.encode(&sample, sample.width(), sample.height())?;

Set encoder options

let mut encoder = encoder_builder()
// You can change the settings after initialization
encoder.lossless = false;
encoder.quality = 3.0;

image crate integration

The integration is enabled by default. If you don't need it, disable image-support feature.

use jpegxl_rs::image::ToDynamic;
use jpegxl_rs::decoder_builder;
use image::DynamicImage;

let sample = std::fs::read("../samples/sample.jxl")?;
let decoder = decoder_builder().build()?;
let img = decoder.decode(&sample)?.into_dynamic_image();

License: GPL-3.0-or-later