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[Experimental] Navigation and state management in one place for your React Native projects, featuring React Navigation and MobX / MST

React NavX

Navigation and state management in one place for your React Native projects.

Featuring React context & hooks, React Navigation, and MobX/MobX-State-Tree/MobX-React.


This library is experimental and probably broken at the moment. We intend to explore API ideas and try it out on various hobby projects before releasing it publicly.

If you want to be involved in the discussion, please contact us in the Infinite Red Community Slack #react-navx channel.

Quick Peek

In your main app file:

import React, { useState } from "react"
import { AppRegistry } from "react-native"
import { NavX, types } from "react-navx"
import { AppStoreModel } from "./models/app-store"
import { MainStack } from "./navigation/main-stack"

function App(props) {
  const [appStore] = useState(AppStoreModel.create({}))

  return (
      stores={{ appStore }}
      storeModels={{ appStore: AppStoreModel }}

AppRegistry.registerComponent("MyApp", () => App)

Then, in a screen or other component:

import * as React from "react"
import { useStore, observer } from "react-navx"

function StatusComponent(props) {
  const { status } = useStore("AppStore")

  return <View>{status}</View>

export const Status = observer(StatusComponent)


Note that React-NavX supports React Native 0.60 and above only.

Getting Started (React Native)

1. Install react-navx and its dependencies:

yarn add -D react-navx

# or, if you prefer npm
npm i --save-dev react-navx

2. Add a store to your app

Add a MobX-State-Tree (MST) store to your app. See mobx-state-tree documentation for much more on what you can do with MST models.

Note that React-NavX exports everything from mobx-state-tree, so you can access types and other functions from there directly.

import { types } from "react-navx"

// your primary mobx-state-tree store for app state
export const AppStoreModel = types
  .model("AppStore", {
    status: types.optional(types.enumeration(["pending", "loading", "done", "error"]), "pending"),
  .actions(self => ({
    setStatus: newStatus => (self.status = newStatus),

3. Create a main navigator for your app

This is powered by react-navigation. There are many types of navigators you can use, but here's an example StackNavigator:

import { createStackNavigator } from "react-navx"
import { WelcomeScreen, StatusScreen } from "../screens"

export const MainStack = createStackNavigator(
    welcomeScreen: { screen: WelcomeScreen },
    statusScreen: { screen: StatusScreen },
    headerMode: "none",

4. Bring it all together with NavX

Now bring it all together in your main app file. This is often index.js or app.tsx or similar.

import React, { useState } from "react"
import { AppRegistry } from "react-native"
import { NavX, types } from "react-navx"
import { AppStoreModel } from "./models/app-store"
import { MainStack } from "./navigation/main-stack"

function App(props) {
  const [appStore] = useState(AppStoreModel.create({}))

  return (
      stores={{ appStore }}
      storeModels={{ appStore: AppStoreModel }}

AppRegistry.registerComponent("MyApp", () => App)

That's it!

Advanced Usage

Customizing the navigationStore

React-NavX creates its own navigation store by default. If you'd like to create your own and provide it, just use the navigationStore prop on the NavX component.

  // ...

Adding additional stores

If you want more than just the appStore, just add them to the stores and storeModels props:

  stores={{ appStore, loginStore }}
    appStore: AppStoreModel,
    loginStore: LoginStoreModel

These can then be accessed by any screens or components by using the useStore hook:

import { useStore } from "react-navx"

function MyComponent(props) {
  const loginStore = useStore("loginStore")

  // use loginStore

Note: Currently, both stores and storeModels are required to be provided. In the future, I'd like to infer the storeModels to make it easier.

Accessing the RootStore and NavigationStore

The RootStore is exposed via the useRootStore hook:

import { useRootStore } from "react-navx"

function MyComponent(props) {
  const rootStore = useRootStore()

  return <View>{rootStore.appStore.status}</View>

The navigationStore is a property on the RootStore:

import { useRootStore } from "react-navx"

function MyScreen(props) {
  const { navigationStore } = useRootStore()

  // do whatever you want with `navigationStore`

Help and Support

The best way to get help is to join our vibrant Infinite Red community Slack.

If you have a replicable bug, please feel free to file an issue with steps to reproduce. If you can provide a pull request to fix the issue, even better.


This project is released under the MIT license.


React-NavX was created by Jamon Holmgren of Infinite Red.