infiniteflight-localization copied to clipboard
French corrections
_Note: you can add multiple issues for the same language in a single issue. Use task lists to simplify this.
In what language is this issue found? French
English Word | French Word | Suggested correction | Note |
"Callsign" | "Signe d'appel" | "Indicatif d'appel" | The word "Signe" is not really used in French aviation, we rather speak of "Indicatif" or "Plaque" (I don't recommend the last word) |
"High, Very High" | "Haut, très haut | " Elevé, Très élevé" | When we say "haut", we are talking about the height and we do not use it in circumstances that concern cases like graphics or other, the words "Très élevé" can be replaced by "Extreme" |
"Voice Pitch" | "Hauteur de la voix" | "Intensité de la voix" | To speak about the gravity of the voice, we use more the word "Intensité" (intensity), the pitch is not very appropriate for that |
"Low, Normal, High, Very High" ( Voice Pitch ) | "Bas, Normal, Haut, Très haut" | "Grave, Normale, Plutôt Aiguë, Aiguë | Contrary to what I said before, there are other words for voice |
"Airplane Count" | "Nombre d'avions" | "Décompte des avions" | "Nombre d'avions" can be interpreted in another way, "Décompte des avions" would be more appropriate |
"Strobes Lights" | "Feux Anticollision" | "Lumière stroboscopique" | In aviation, "Anti-Collision" is a bit of a broad word, contrary to the English translation, an amateur or a French pilot may have a slight doubt with this word which includes two different lights, the word "stroboscopic" ( strobes ) is better for that |
"Beacons Lights" | "Lumière Anti-Collision" | "feux de navigation" | As I said above, the word "Anti Collision" is vast, "navigation lights" or "position lights" are better for this kind of situation |
"Pushback" | "Pushback" | "Repoussage" | The word pushback is good, but "repoussage" sounds more French |