speedrun copied to clipboard
Research code need not be ugly.
A no-strings-attached toolkit to help you deploy and manage your machine learning experiments. The idea is to equip you with the tools you need to have well-documented and reproducible experiments going, but without getting in your way. Think of it as a swiss army knife for dealing with the code-hell research projects typically tend to evolve to.
On python 3.6+:
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/nasimrahaman/speedrun.git
cd speedrun/
# To embark on an adventure, uncomment the following line:
# git checkout dev
# Install
python setup.py install
# Install tensorboard
pip install tensorboardX
# Install dill
pip install dill
# Install Weights and Biases
pip install wandb
At the most basic level, speedrun provides the base-class BaseExperiment
for your experiments to inherit from. This already enables you to read from configuration files and manages the experiment directories for you, so you have the choice of not worrying about file-paths and other nasty low-level details.
But in addition, there are numerous fully optional power-ups that you can bolt on to your experiment class to make it what you need. These are called Mixin
s, and the growing catalogue includes:
for out-of-the-box logging to Weights and Biases. -
to log runs locally to a tensorboard log-file (wraps tensorboardX). -
to configure and launch hyper-parameter sweeps with Weights and Biases Sweeps. -
to supply utilities for e.g. writing text or images to file, progress bars, etc. -
to convert matplotlib figures to images that you can then log to tensorboard with theTensorboardMixin
or dump to file with theIOMixin
. -
to interact with Firelight, a tool for visualizing high-dimensional embeddings. -
to interact with Inferno, a tool to abstract away the training loop for your pytorch models. -
to have your code wait for a running process to finish (and release resources).
... and more underway. Check out speedrun-springboard for a prefabricated experimental set-up, or the small pseudo-example below:
from speedrun import BaseExperiment, TensorboardMixin
class MyFirstExperiment(BaseExperiment, TensorboardMixin):
def __init__(self):
super(MyFirstExperiment, self).__init__()
# This is where the magic happens
# Set up your experiment here
self.my_cool_module = SomeModule(**self.get('my_cool_module/kwargs'))
self.another_component = SomeComponent(**self.get('another_component/kwargs', default={}))
# Say you have a component that gets messy and uses unpickleable objects. For checkpointing
# to still work, you'll need to tell the base experiment to not try pickle it.
self.ugly_messy_component = UglyMessyComponent()
def some_basic_logic(self, *args):
# ...
return self.bundle(result_1=..., result_2=..., result_3=...)
def moar_logics(self):
# ...
# Uh oh, we need a global variable
if 'one_time_computation_result' not in self.cache_keys:
# Do the one time computation
one_time_computation_result = self.some_basic_logic(self.step % 10)
self.write_to_cache('one_time_computation_result', one_time_computation_result)
one_time_computation_result = self.read_from_cache('one_time_computation_result')
# ...
return self.bundle(result_1=...)
def run(self):
# ...
for iteration in range(self.get('training/num_iterations')):
# training maybe?
basic_results = self.some_basic_logic()
new_result = self.moar_logics(basic_results.result_1, basic_results.result_2)
output_sample = ...
loss = ...
if self.log_scalars_now:
self.log_scalar('training/loss', loss)
if self.log_images_now:
self.log_image('training/output_sample', output_sample)
# force=False would checkpoint if the step count matches current iteration
# This increments the step counter
if __name__=='__main__':
Now, there are a few simple steps before we can run the first experiment of the project. The subsequent experiments are a breeze!
First, we make a directory to store the experiment templates (you can call the directory anything you like).
mkdir templates
Next, let's make the first experiment template. You can call the template anything you like, but we'll call it BASIC-X
mkdir -p templates/BASIC-X/Configurations
nano templates/BASIC-X/Configurations/train_config.yml
Now, we paste in the following configuration in train_config.yml
. Note that the .../Configurations/train_config.yml
structure is required for speedrun to find it.
a: 1
b: 2
c: 3
d: 4
num_iterations: 100000
checkpoint_every: 10000
log_images_every: 100
log_scalars_every: 10
Finally, we make a directory for our actual experiments (not the templates) to live in. You can call it anything you like, but we'll call it experiments
mkdir experiments
That's it, we're all set! To launch our first experiment, which we call BASIC-0
, we could do:
python my_experiment.py experiments/BASIC-0 --inherit templates/BASIC-X
This will create a directory experiments/BASIC-0
with multiple subdirectories. The configuration will be dumped in experiments/BASIC-0/Configurations
, the tensorboard logs in experiments/BASIC-0/Logs
and the checkpoints in experiments/BASIC-0/Weights
So you fire up your first experiments but you think the keyword argument a
of my_cool_module
should instead be 42
and d
of another_module
should be 21
. All you need to do is:
python my_experiment.py experiments/BASIC-1 --inherit experiments/BASIC-0 --config.my_cool_module.kwargs.a 42 --config.another_module.kwargs.d 21
This will inherit the configuration from BASIC-0
, but override a
in kwargs of my_cool_module
and d
in kwargs of another_module
. The resulting configuration will be dumped in experiments/BASIC-1/Configurations/train_config.yml
for future experiments to inherit from! This way, you can iterate over your experiments and be confident that every run is self-contained and reproducible. To know the exact difference between the two experiments, you can always:
diff experiments/BASIC-0/Configurations/train_config.yml experiments/BASIC-1/Configurations/train_config.yml
The tools might be nice, but it's not just just about that - organizing experiments in classes is a great way of reusing code, which in turn helps keep your experiments reproducible. Say when you're done with the first round of experiments, it's super easy to iterate on your ideas simply by inheriting from your MyFirstExperiment
, perhaps in a different file:
from main import MyFirstExperiment
class MySecondExperiment(MyFirstExperiment):
def moar_logics(self):
# Your shiny new logics go in here
# ...
return self.bundle(result_1=...)
if __name__=='__main__':
This way, when you fix a bug in MyFirstExperiment.some_basic_logic
, it's automatically fixed in MySecondExperiment
as well. Fine print: it's hard to know in advance what parts of the experiment would eventually need to be replaced - so you might need to refactor MyFirstExperiment
and move bits of logic to their own methods, which you can then overload in MySecondExperiment
. But more often than not, it's totally worth the effort.