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SimuLTE - LTE System Level Simulation Model and Simulator for INET & OMNeT++ - deprecated, use Simu5G instead
I am using Instant-Veins 5.1-i1-Simulte Mode 4. I want to make a car act as eNodeB and assign static / dynamic IP to a car[7] based on some criteria.. So...
Hello, I'm a student and new to VANET and Omnet in general I'm trying to implement the Mode4 simulation. I have not been able to compile and build the project....
In one of my simulations I encountered a problem where the above mentioned exception is triggered [here][5] about 30 minutes into my simulation. Setup: * Coupled simulation with Sumo over...
The `candidateMasterRssi_` is initialized to `0` during initialization [line 44][1]. If dynamicCellAssociation is [true][2] the calculated RSSI is compared [here][3] to the initial value of `0dBm` which is never reached,...
Hello! I hope to find some help here. I am using INET 3.6 but most likely the problem also exists in newer versions: Once UEs remain in the same cell...
Hello! I'm new with SimuLTE and sorry if this is the wrong place to ask for help. I'm trying to install Veins-LTE following this tutorial: However, when the projects...
I started working on research project which tackle the area of LTE multicasting. I need to ensure the feasibility of the following procedure in SimuLTE: Each second, I want to...
Hello, im a student and new to VANET I tried to run the simulation cars but it didnt fully run the simulations untill i hit the fast forward button and...
I have a LTE network and I need to assign IP addresses dynamically to my UEs. I used HostAutoConfigurator module with inet 3.6, but now it's deprecated in favour of...
Hello everyone, I am working on OMNET++ 5.6.2, INET 4.2.2 and simulte-1.2.0. In INET with the help of superpositioning and attached mobility, one user(StandardHost module) can orbit around another user...