Blackjack_CPP icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Blackjack_CPP copied to clipboard

A terminal-version of BLACKJACK written in C++

♠️ Blackjack (C++)

AppVeyor Travis (.org) Codacy grade GitHub Run on

Developed in order to repolish my C++ skills and as my first C++ repository. Have had many memories playing blackjack while being drunk with flatmates during the first year of uni.

Blackjack Demo

🔧 Setup


You should have Git installed and use the following commands in your terminal in your preferred directory

$ git clone
$ cd Blackjack_CPP

else you can download a ZIP.

Building / Compiling

There are four options available ordered by recommendation. You should compile the program in the build directory.

$ cd build


$ cmake ..          # generates build configuration (Makefile)
$ cmake --build .   # or `make` to build the executable
$ ./blackjack       # viola!


$ meson ..          # generates build configuration (ninja)
$ ninja             # builds the executable
$ ./blackjack       # viola!


$ cd ..             # if you are in the build directory
$ make              # builds executable based on Makefile
$ ./blackjack       # viola!


$ cd ..             # if you are in the build directory
$ g++ src/blackjack.cpp src/card.cpp src/dealer.cpp src/deck.cpp src/game.cpp src/human.cpp src/player.cpp src/print.cpp src/statistics.cpp -o blackjack
$ ./blackjack       # viola!

🙌 Contributing

Any kind of contributions / improvements are greatly appreciated!

All contributors will be thanked and named in the README. 😄