inertia-laravel copied to clipboard
return Inertia::location($url); appearing in Modal Popup
Laravel: 8.65 inertiajs/inertia-laravel: 0.4.3 laravel/jetstream: 2.4
I have a middleware to check whether a user is an admin or has a team role. The middleware redirects based on admin or normal user.
public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
$team = Auth::user()->teams->first();
if (Auth::user()->role == 'admin' || Auth::user()->hasTeamRole($team, 'admin')){
return $next($request);
} else {
$url = env('APP_URL');
return Inertia::location($url.'/dashboard');
//return Redirect::route('user.dashboard');
if ($request->ajax()) {
return Inertia::location($url.'/dashboard');
return Inertia::location($url.'/dashboard');
The admin navigates correctly and returns the user to the admin dashboard. However the normal users stay on the login screen and the dashboard appears in a popup modal rather than redirecting to the dashboard.
This also happens when i logout form the admin dashboard (Not such a big issue).
It appears to only happen on external links. The Admin panel is a Vue Inertia Jetstream and the main front end is standard blade templateing hence the external link.