relate icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
relate copied to clipboard

ipython notebook uploads

Open lukeolson opened this issue 6 months ago • 3 comments

  • add ipynb mimetype
  • check that json loads
  • check that json has nbformat >= 4

lukeolson avatar Feb 14 '24 21:02 lukeolson

LMK when this is ready to look at/merge. So far, I'm refraining from taking a detailed look while it's still in draft status.

inducer avatar Feb 16 '24 20:02 inducer

LMK when this is ready to look at/merge. So far, I'm refraining from taking a detailed look while it's still in draft status.

Go ahead now. I've tested the functionality locally. If a unit test would help, I'll add.

lukeolson avatar Feb 16 '24 21:02 lukeolson

Any else needed here?

lukeolson avatar Feb 27 '24 20:02 lukeolson