Indra Kurniawan
Indra Kurniawan
These functions are restricted on most shared hosting. Use native PHP instead. Wordpress has [this](, it should help to get video's width and height (I think?). As for `ffmpegthumbnailer`, you...
Say, there's a flood and I have to delete about 34 posts, at once, as admin/mod. What do I do? Delete one-by-one is a pain. Every post has checkbox.
Runs `php vendor/kenjis/codeigniter-cli/install.php` will create a `/tmp` dir on project's root. Should this dir be ignored (eg. includes it to `.gitignore`)?
NodeJS Package Manager (NPM) is required for `bower` installation, which is required NodeJS installed on machine. Would it be nice if this project only depends in a language: Ruby? (excluding...
Without `jekyll-gist`, I get this error: ``` $ bundle exec jekyll s Configuration file: /home/indrakaw/html/shiori/_config.yml Configuration file: /home/indrakaw/html/shiori/_config.yml Source: /home/indrakaw/html/shiori Destination: /home/indrakaw/html/shiori/_site Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental Generating... Liquid...
I have thousands of image I downloaded via `gallery-dl`. Load the directory page normally took a lot of toll. It would be nice if there is a paging: a simple...
`tests` folder contains whole Codeigniter framework and is included in Composer's vendor dist folder. ``` $ du -h vendor/craftsman/cli/ --max-depth=1 152K vendor/craftsman/cli/src 92K vendor/craftsman/cli/utils 2.7M vendor/craftsman/cli/tests 3.0M vendor/craftsman/cli/ $ du...
For unknown reasons, serve command runs twice. ``` ➜ ci-boilerplate git:(01-stupid-webcomic-app/master) ✗ vendor/bin/craftsman serve --docroot=./ Codeigniter development server started at Tue, 16 Oct 2018 16:35:45 +0700 Listening on http://localhost:8000 Document...
It's like _"Oh no, I accidentally posted my token to public! Gotta find the way to **regenerate** it!"_
This is useful because I don't have to retype email and password to login every time I closed my browser or end the session. Edit: I don't see logout option,...