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Can't start HomeBridge in Big Sur
Expected Behavior
Plugin is downloaded, but Big Sur (Beta 5) is not allowing bridge to be started: “EPS HomeKit Bridge.indigoPlugin” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified.
Current Behavior
Going to System Prefs > Security > run anyway doesn't change anything
Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)
Homebridge Log / Command Output
HomeKit Bridge Error Unable to open the Homebridge log at /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Preferences/Plugins/com.eps.indigoplugin.homekit-bridge/1122601631/homebridge.log. This is likely because Homebridge has tried to start, as any attempt to start Homebridge should result in a log file
Device Simulation Report
Have you tried updating to Indigo 7.5. That fixed that problem for me.
I'm seeing this now with Indigo 2021.2.
Open System Preferences, Security & Privacy, General tab. Select Allow apps downloaded from: "App Store and identified developers" [Leave pane open] Attempt to start HomeBridge in Indigo. System preferences pane should update; click "Allow" button.
HomeBridge appears to start correctly: Loading plugin "HomeKit Bridge 1.0.2" Starting plugin "HomeKit Bridge 1.0.2" (pid 838) HomeKit Bridge Debug Indigo JSON Stuffer 1.0.0 loaded HomeKit Bridge Debug Indigo Plugin Redirector 1.0.0 loaded HomeKit Bridge Debug Indigo Plugin User Interface 1.0.0 loaded HomeKit Bridge Debug Indigo Plugin Factory 1.0.0 loaded HomeKit Bridge Debug HomeKit Data Conversion 1.0.0 loaded HomeKit Bridge Debug HomeKit Payload Processor 1.0.0 loaded HomeKit Bridge Debug HomeKit Integration Factory for Indigo 1.0.0 loaded HomeKit Bridge Caching all HomeKit Bridge devices... HomeKit Bridge Debug CPU Lights started as a HomeKit Switch HomeKit Bridge Debug Homebridge-Indigo2 Device Payload 1.0.0 loaded HomeKit Bridge Debug Converting indigoModelSubmodel keyword for HomeKit type or firmware on 'CPU Lights' HomeKit Bridge Debug Converting indigoVersion keyword for HomeKit type or firmware on 'CPU Lights' HomeKit Bridge Debug Homebridge-Indigo2 Payload Data 1.0.0 loaded Started plugin "HomeKit Bridge 1.0.2" HomeKit Bridge Debug Config path set to /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2021.2/Preferences/Plugins/com.eps.indigoplugin.homekit-bridge HomeKit Bridge Debug Saving 'HomeKit Bridge' configuration to /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2021.2/Preferences/Plugins/com.eps.indigoplugin.homekit-bridge/1620637814 HomeKit Bridge Debug Rebuilding configuration for 'HomeKit Bridge' HomeKit Bridge Debug Saving 'HomeKit Bridge' configuration to /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2021.2/Preferences/Plugins/com.eps.indigoplugin.homekit-bridge/1620637814 HomeKit Bridge Attempting to start 'HomeKit Bridge' Waiting for external plugins to initialize HomeKit Bridge HomeKit Bridge is running the latest version, no update needed HomeKit Bridge Debug HTTP GET request received HomeKit Bridge Server 'HomeKit Bridge' has successfully started, you can use your HomeKit apps or Siri for this accessory HomeKit Bridge HomeKit Bridge is loaded and ready to use HomeKit Bridge Debug HomeKit server 'HomeKit Bridge' has been started Starting triggers and schedules
HomeKit sees the Indigo devices now… but can't control them.
I deleted an Indigo device and added a new one… and HomeKit doesn't notice… How do I rebuild the HomeKit database?